piztaker: I played a game on the front 9 at Kiawah yesterday against a lady who was a 150 hack. In fact it was her very first game. She went round in par. Nothing underhand I'm sure.
we gets what we deserve
my observation is why would a 67 master with all those store bought clubs, balls and putter want a game with a 150 hack. Thats like tiger looking to play me and refusing to give me a handicap. Oh well, that is life at WGT. You should try some of those 80 ams. They shoot sub par all the time
When I play multi-player rounds I just click the anyone button so it may be anyone from a legend down to a 150 hack. I play with them for the company and if they ask I try to give them some help with their game, like many masters helped me when I was a hack.