Doesn't it ever get old and tiresome for you to be so cynical, critical and judgmental?:o(
If not.....consider the rest of us!
I guess your sense of humor has gone to the north pole
I find it hilarious that you men tell the story that you play with hacks so you can help them with their game. I think that is absolutely the funniest thing I ever heard of.
I am trying to think what you tell them. Ok, do not hold the mouse in your left hand, except if you are left handed. When you click the mouse, do not do it hard, do it soft, because a mouse hates to be abused. When you aim the marker, aim it for the hole, unless the wind is blowing, and then put your finger out to see which way the wind blows. Do not drink while you are playing, because that will affect your judgment, and you might swing in reverse. So many things you can help a hack with
The funniest was that he taught them so good that they come back to beat him.
Sir, that makes me fall off my chair. It seem to me that we are all hacks at one time, and as soon as we learn how to use the mouse we get to be ams, and then tour pro, and then we buy all that equipment and we become masters, and then we play morning noon and night, and whoops, we become masters. THIS IS NOT FOR REAL, IT IS VIRTUAL.
As far as you are concerned one putt, what ever you say goes in one ear and out the other. You like men toooooooo much