I did a test of various game formats :
single hole option, ctth, blitz - single player, stroke (ranked & practice)
MAXTHON 3 - no problems
CHROME - no problems
FIREFOX - lots of problems!
In Blitz(sp) 'unexpected error'
Pinehurst(both) Valhalla Merion Pebble Beach Olympic Oakmont RSG Bali St. Andy's Wolf Creek Koele
In Stroke play 'unexpected error'
Pinehurst Olympic RSG
In Stroke play , I got the 'tournament is no longer active' pop-up at:
Merion Oakmont St Andrews (submitted bug reports)
I don't know if other browsers are causing these type of problems, but why there are so many issues with Firefox is beyond my grasp of reasoning?
To help WGT narrow down the problem, perhaps when players are not able to load a game, listing what browser they are using could be of great benefit?