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Do they care?

Tue, Nov 28 2017 12:14 AM (17 replies)
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  • Sikkum
    88 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 2:38 AM

    I ask if WGT care........or if they even bother to take notice.  Below I have cut and pasted an e-mail I sent to the customer service guys........this is the actual reply I got back.  I am amazed they can walk and chew gum at the same time:


    This is what I sent:


    Mar 22, 00:43

    As posted in forums:

    I have a question that has been bugging me for some time, and yes, I expect the usual posts from the "trolls".

    My question is:

    I regularly play 18 hole stroke and usually it is against people I am known to. As a "legend" player I am assigned tournament speed greens. Fair enough. However, I play almost every night with a very good friend who happens to be a Tour Legend. We alternate in setting up 18 holes. When he sets, we get Champ greens, again, fair enough he set it, he should get the greens he plays. However, when it is my turn to set an 18, despite my Legend status, if I play with a Tour Legend we default to Champ greens again. My beef is........this is MY game! damn well says so. This being the case, why do I need to default to Champ greens just because I invite a Tour Legend? Yes they are good, but if they are THAT good, why the hell cant they play on MY greens? I believe this occurs through all the tiers, so why can't WGT implement a fix so that whoever sets the game governs the green, wind speeds etc.

    Sensible comments welcome. (And yes I expect you to check my profile page)




  the reply I got from Customer Service:


    Support (WGT)

    Mar 24, 15:48


    Thank you for contacting us at WGT. In matches against other players of similar/close tiers the game makes it so the tees are similar. You can also choose to play on different tees if the gap of tiers is different but in most cases you'll see that they play on similar ones, Legend and Tour Legend.

    WGT Member Services



    Now you tell me what you think!



  • ScottHope
    10,350 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 3:23 AM
    The reply doesn't hit the mark, I totally agree there. But, when you contact any support service for help or information, you need to be clear and concise, get straight to the point.

    Customer services for any sizeable organisation will receive vast amounts of inquiries and they don't have the time or resources to listen to or read through unnecessary information.

    I know it seems polite to pad out an inquiry with a little extra background info, which is fine if you're writing to a friend, but customer services need to cut to the chase to be able to deal with your enquiry efficiently and effectively.
  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 5:42 AM

    Answering about tee boxes when the question is about green speeds is exactly the unreasonable response that I would expect.

    Different to others, I have NEVER! received any reasonable answer, and I stopped to ask after the following dialogue (memory transcript):

    alosso: "Would you please tell me who is the member that left my CC today?"

    CS: "Please tell us his name, then we can help you."

    367 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 11:39 PM


    367 Posts
    Mon, Nov 27 2017 4:39 AM

    I am suggesting to WGT developers to see what you can do to make this happen.
    all my ideas generate big revenue for the Game while adding prestige to the
    nature of how a WGT'er feels about their "Pillar-ship" in a way we gain respect
    but in credits, by commission by incentive, we get out what we PUTT in.

    #1  Night Golf. (with weather conditions gone wild)
    #2. Rain
    #3. Tickets sales
    #4. Sponsor ship, by CC proxy.


    #1. I am wishing for "Night golf" and weather conditions like rain fog adding to the wind.

    #2. Rain make it rain during a tournament.

    #3 You can set the course up as you would a CC owner doe's :)
    Being at some up an coming WGT League Match lets say your friend has made
    it to the finals and you want to be there hanging out as your Avatar would.
    The Idea is simple The CC owner is given so many free spectator passes
    to give away and the rest who want to be there to cheer them on buy's their
    tickets with credits.

    #4. Sponsorship from a CC during course set up a CC owner can switch on
    if other CC's may add their sponsor ship to the Said Match.

    I thought maybe its time to say something. 


    Status Legend
    player since 2009


  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Nov 27 2017 6:40 AM

    #3 You can set the course up as you would a CC owner doe's

    Excuse me: What is "doe's"? Genitive of a female deer in a CC? What's her posession?

    Concerning your Q in the title: My impression is "No".

    And, while mysterious things happen, this is fact:

    They are WGT, hope is futile!

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Mon, Nov 27 2017 6:56 AM

    WOW,,  usually they send back an answer that makes sense to my question.  


    They could have just referred the OP to the FAQ page or copy and pasted the info found there.  


    If I'm playing with other players in a multi player game, what green speed will we play on?

    When playing with other players, the green speed will default to the green speed for the highest-tiered player in the group. For example, if two Amateurs and one Pro player are playing in a group, the green speed will be "Fast" based on the Pro player default speed.


    --Which has always been the case in multiplayer ranked games.  Which surprises me that the question was even asked by the op after being here for so long.  Not trying to start anything here, just reminds me of one of those Geico commercials.


    Image result for geico, everyone knows that

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Nov 27 2017 8:24 AM

    Excuse me: What is "doe's"? Genitive of a female deer in a CC?

    Heh, with all your own literal translation fumbles you should be the last guy to call someone out for a typo. He obviously meant "does" as in "... a CC owner does" and no, that isn't the plural for female deer.

    But then you probably knew that in which case throw in a smiley face or LOL to let readers know you're trying to be funny.  ;-)

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Mon, Nov 27 2017 8:25 AM

    Does anyone care that this is a 2 year old post? 

    Siders Best

  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Nov 27 2017 9:41 AM

    He obviously meant "does" as in "... a CC owner does" and no, that isn't the plural for female deer.

    But then you probably knew that in which case throw in a smiley face or LOL to let readers know you're trying to be funny.  ;-)

    So, "doe's" is plural for you? LOL!

    doe's appeared to me as an extraordinary abuse of the apostrophe, worth pointing out. Maybe the new rule will be to add one before each s:

    My 'smiley's are white on white 'sometime's, and I omit them when the meaning i's clear.

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