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Serious question...Is WGT about to shut down?

Mon, Mar 30 2015 1:01 PM (149 replies)
  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 6:10 AM

    With all the bugs and issues that we see right now and the lack of fixes,never in the few years have I been playing seen it take this long to fix anything.Is WGT shutting down??I just want to know there any another reason why they have let things go the way they have?

    Concerned customer!!!

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 7:03 AM

    It would seem so. Even a smidgen of vitality is missing along with any aggressive indications of future additions on a time frame that would point toward the necessary capital position required to do so. I hope I am way off base and my savvy is mistaken for a change regarding this. ~ SP ~

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 7:16 AM

    With the advent of the mobile app and the million new users that followed, I just can't see WGT closing the doors. I do think we, the original users on this site, have seen the best of days and play though. It's been downhill since that mobile game started.

  • Fencer100
    2,064 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 7:45 AM

    I really hope this is not the case, but I am suspicious of why the fixes take so long now. Maybe resources are being used to get the mobile version up and running and us the long suffering PC and laptop users are being sacrificed.

    I hope this is not the case, but the silence is deafening, from all at WGT regarding any of this. Lets see  what happens in the next few months, but I guess the kids will be badgering Mum and Dad for a better mobile soon, because any sane older person will know this game is better played on a PC or laptop. But i guess as usual money talks 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 7:48 AM


    With the advent of the mobile app and the million new users that followed, I just can't see WGT closing the doors. I do think we, the original users on this site, have seen the best of days and play though. It's been downhill since that mobile game started.

    This may be true. But who knows ? If it is, it would seem to indicate a "chasing" of a new dollar based on a bit of speculation while not paying attention to an established business due to either tired blood or lean funds. Someone still needs to keep the bathroom spotless unless the skeleton crew is too thin.

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 8:01 AM

    I ask myself: How and where will the game be post-Flash?

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 8:05 AM


    I ask myself: How and where will the game be post-Flash?

    It won't. As long as Flash hangs around, WGT will hang around. The cost to swap/implement a new, better platform would probably equal 5 years of profits. 

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 8:06 AM

    I seriously doubt they will just completely shut down the site (PC version, that is), as that might entail some major civil issues. My belief is the site will stay up, but what it is now, is all it will ever be. 


    Now, like I have said multiple times, WGT knows where it stands, and they know there is no mobile version out (if there is, it is cartoon golf), so they are only and primarily focused on that aspect. The owners are known for staying "ahead of the game". However, once the "game" catches up, or passes them, they are already on to the next "game". When I say game, I'm not referring to golf, but business. Think about when the major problems/bugs we're now seeing first began. Right about the time WGT asked for "Mobile Beta testers".


    They're not stupid. They know what's out there, and they know it is unrealistic to even attempt to stay #1. But, they will be #1 in mobile golf for at least a few years. 


    I think 90% of their focus is on mobile and 10% is on the PC version. This is one time I truly wish I was dead wrong, but I would and will bet my last dollar I am right. 


    It's very smart business sense. This is not, and never has been a customer oriented business. It's a money-making business venture, pure and simple. The only thing I've ever seen asked for, and received in the 2 years I've been a member, is yellow Callaway balls.


    I will add, though, that the one aspect of WGT that has never failed me is, oddly, Customer Service. They have been the over-the-top quick and responsive, and have always done more than what was needed to satisfy my complaint or report. 


    This is a game for gamers and their egos, not golfers. Some people know what I mean, most don't and won't. When you can do a multiplication on a calculator and put the ball within feet, or even inches, on 90% of your shots (if you hit the little sweet spot line), it is not realistic. It's cool to do that and "feel" like you did something. But it's no different than figuring out a rubics cube. Once you know what to do, it becomes monotonous. 

    I think the majority of active players are those who enjoy playing the game with others (AS, Match, Skins). They come here to relax, enjoy some time spent with friends, joke around with each other, and the banter. That's wonderful, and it's great that they can do that (occasionally, since there is a serious issue with doing that at the moment). But, those players are also at the very, very bottom of the ladder/totem pole when it comes to getting anything they ask for. That part of the game produces, probably, less than 5% of the revenue WGT takes in. 

    If WGT charged 5 credits to set up a multi-player game, it might move up the ladder in regards to getting fixed. But, it would also decrease the multi-player games by 50% or more, and if those players just quit playing altogether, it would put a very tiny dent in the WGT coffers (probably not even noticeable). So, either way, it's not worth the time, effort or money to address any of those player's complaints. 

    Just my thoughts.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 8:28 AM

    I wrote this some days ago in a similar thread


    After reading, for the last two months, at least 90% of the threads with post about the invite bug & other bugs, I have the impression that WGT cannot fix the invite bug and probably the other bugs neither.

    Not because WGT does not want to do it, despite having its best engineers and programmers in the matter, perhaps it is simply they lost data that cannot be recovered. Something like missing the backup data of the game which is probably lost forever or deleted.

    I come to this conclusion simply because I do not understand why a company who offers a product in the internet based on multiplayer features = "gathering together" has delayed a fix now for almost two months.

    I cannot think of a company, group, etc who will take such risk of losing customers because what they offer does not work properly, not to say only the basic features like playing matches in stroke, skins, etc mode.

    There is something very wrong with WGt behaviour since the last update if not since 3 o 4 months ago when the game started being messy in almost all features.

    I was making fun in the "And everything else" forum section about by creating a thread named; "When will invites be fixed...have a guess" where there were not many options mentioned, unfortunatelly all negative.

    Is this the pinnacle of WGT when the company will start going down the hill until misses so many customers that it need to be closed?. Is this the best moment for a new golf game to come up and compete with WGT offering something similar or even a better product?, etc, etc etc.

    Many of my friends and fellow colleagues from the CC admit to start plating less & less or simply not playing at all the game....and until the game gets fixed things won't look better for any of them including me.

    I have said this before: I hope there were a game competing with WGT offering a similar product ...... a place to go. WGT is in a "comfort zone" that damages our hope to have the same fun game we remember.


    Despite I am very unmotivated to play the game lately, I hope I am wrong & the game continues alive & fixed!.....still waiting anxiously for a competitor with similar golf game shows up.


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Mar 26 2015 8:57 AM

    Well , it is like I said before nothing last forever. WGT is not like it use to be years ago, there was  community  tourneys ( and I mean large tourneys) they are a thing of the past , well you do have the tough it out tourney, but not everyone is into UL here.

    It seems to me that WGT has something else they are  focusing all their attention on. and they are banking on the WGT die hards to keep things going.

    Eric it is here , you just have to accept its a different type of game, its way harder, and it is in its  infancy . If you are looking for the 25 game for 9 or the 55 game for 18 then this is not for u ,it just does not happen. The scores are very very down to real life. 

    I truly would like to see WGT make a come back, it was very fun (frustrating but fun) but like I said I think they are seeking something new, and just letting this sit,and if it makes money fine if not well they will cross that bridge when and if it happens.