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Tutorial on Forum Postings

Wed, May 6 2015 5:18 AM (51 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2015 1:09 PM
    You're right there Caroline, there are no options to change the font etc. when you hit the HTML button, that's because you need to type in the code necessary to change those features.

    Very clever of you to think of that MS Word trick, I would think that's quite a quick way of formatting text.

    But you can achieve quite a lot with HTML and its partner, CSS. CLICK.
  • carolineRobert
    1,821 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2015 2:14 PM

    there are no options to change the font etc. when you hit the HTML button, that's because you need to type in the code necessary to change those features.

    so i guess the question is : how and where do you find these codes ?

    Very clever of you to think of that MS Word trick

    actually, i have been using Microsoft Excel for my colored charts such as this one HERE for a long time now but never bothered using MS Word for my lettering too.

    I would think that's quite a quick way of formatting text

    fast and easy indeed ...and no codes needed (wink) ...

  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2015 2:35 PM
    That's very interesting because whenever I post anything from Excel, the colour never goes with it, lol. (EDIT : Oops, didn't realise that was an image Caroline, thought it was a table from excel).

    HTML learning sites are pretty plentiful, but the thing is that putting properly written HTML code, (which I can't do by the way), into the forum HTML source code editor, doesn't always work as you might want, so it has to be tweaked a bit, which is a case of trial an error. But it's satisfying when it comes together.
  • Priesum
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Apr 1 2015 8:38 AM

    You could of course try an online HTML wysiwig editor like

    Makes life very easy!

    Even works for making tables:

    Player Handicap
    Test-icles 14
    Pillock 24
    Sliceman 26
    Hookie 18

    oops - table a bit wide - let's edit it:


    Player Handicap
    Test-icles 14
    Pillock 24
    Sliceman 26
    Hookie 18




    PS: great Tut  - Kudos! 

  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Wed, Apr 1 2015 9:12 AM
    That's cool, I like that, hehe.
  • Priesum
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Apr 1 2015 9:28 AM

    Good fun to play around with these things...

  • carolineRobert
    1,821 Posts
    Wed, Apr 1 2015 2:59 PM


    That's very interesting because whenever I post anything from Excel, the colour never goes with it, lol. (EDIT : Oops, didn't realise that was an image Caroline, thought it was a table from excel).

    Gotcha !! .......

    but it is from an Excel table ...just got to always change it to an image before posting here as i also lose the colors.


    You could of course try an online HTML wysiwig editor like

    Makes life very easy!

       for the info :)

    This is only a test.

    but i see only 9 ''format'' for the letters ? Wish there was some fancy lettering possible but found none :(

  • Priesum
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Apr 2 2015 9:15 AM

    Hi Caroline,

    Understand your desire for fancier fonts.

    Using the HTML editor I mentioned earlier, I typed my message, then clicked source, and substituted the font name with a font I knew I had on my PC (in this case a font called "wakingup".

    Seems to do the trick...

    I am not sure it will work with all fonts but so far so good..


    Fonts used in this message: Emilys Candy, Dungeon, wakingup, kartika and Arrr Matey (this line is Comic Sans).


    PS: played around a bit more and tried these fonts as well:



    Dingleberries (dingleberries)

    Something Strange


    Insaniburger with Cheese

    Jokerman LET

    LCDMono2 Ultra

    My guess is that you can use more or less any font you like, but am not sure if that font will need to be resident on the computer of the person reading the message....


  • Priesum
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Apr 2 2015 9:44 AM

    A little further investigation reveals that what I suspected regarding font needing to be resident is indeed true:

    When you specify a font for your web page, it is important that you do not just specify a single font, even if it is a font that you think that most people have, like the ubiquitous "Arial" font. If your visitor uses a different type of computer, such as a non-Windows computer, even fonts like Arial may not be available.

    The only fail-safe way to make sure a particular non-standard font shows up the same in all computers is to put the text using that font in a picture, and include that image in your web page.

    Screenshot of my message as seen on my pc:

  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Thu, Apr 2 2015 9:51 AM

    You're right there Kelly, this is how your post appears on my screen...