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camera coverage

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Wed, Jul 22 2015 4:50 AM (5 replies)
  • spamsberry
    69 Posts
    Sat, Mar 28 2015 5:33 PM

    camera coverage is inadaquite in many shots..ea sports golf has 10 cameras per shot..

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Mar 29 2015 11:52 AM


    camera coverage is inadaquite in many shots..ea sports golf has 10 cameras per shot..


    we are limited with cameras due to our shots being actual HD pictures, not generated graphics...


  • spamsberry
    69 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 4:19 PM

    thanks..maybe take more pics..or use another system..the game is still fun.

  • NotFacebookCraw
    49 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2015 8:04 AM


    we are limited with cameras due to our shots being actual HD pictures, not generated graphics...


    There is a computer system that takes actual pictures from multiple angles and interpolates all angles in between and re-renders in photo-quality.  Early uses for it was the special effects in The Matrix.  It has advanced to work on-the-fly (at admittedly lower quality) for sports applications.  The networks use it for sports broadcasts where they can pan around for better angles on replay.  "NBSee-it" is one of them, Fox has another.  I have no idea whether they are cost-effective for an application like WGT. 

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Mar 31 2015 9:23 AM


    camera coverage is inadaquite in many shots..ea sports golf has 10 cameras per shot..


    Yes, so inadequate that even the best players struggle to reach par.

    Icon has to be diplomatic, I don't, you're talking pish.

    Kiawah has a few missing angles ( it was the 1st to be photographed) but by and large the others are fine.

  • maitaimik
    38 Posts
    Wed, Jul 22 2015 4:50 AM

    Although loyalty to WGT is an admirable trait, I also must protest most strongly that WGT has now almost ruined the playing experience of my last 6 years on WGT.

    The removal of cameras on own shot and severely reduced camera coverage on opponents shot now make the long delays seem interminable.

    During opponents shot time it was fun to toggle the various cameras, learning the lie of the land, appreciating shot making from any available angle.

    I too have often taken an understanding point of view with the travails of an online Golf game, and experience dictates that allowances for the imperfections of WGT beta have to be made.

    However the unexplained loss of cameras on both own and opponents shots is degrading the quality of the playing experience and enjoyment of the game. 


    There is in my opinion no valid reason other than a "political" decision to align the WGT player experience as close to real life as possible (from the player's perspective no unfair advantage may be gained etc.)

    Unfortunately the makers of that decision have underestimated the negative impact on other non-striking players, the boredom of single camera views in exchange for convoluted own camera toggles of no real visual benefit .

    For the consumer, being unable to interact with the game for the duration of an opponents shot, for as much as 90 seconds per shot, renders the experience more akin to watching TV.

    As a customer of WGT, who is devastated that we have lost that  supra-real quality of flying virtually from view to view during the long waits, the camera elimination has all but destroyed my enjoyment of this product and in my opinion will lose more than it gains.

    Some might even argue that this new policy is tantamount to corporate negligence on the part of WGT.

    I would even go so far as to suggest an improvement of my own, above and beyond that all cameras all be restored and activated - WGT introduce a new "panning camera" shot coverage, where ball flights are followed by a mid air moving camera, like in real life coverage, from movable cranes.