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Wk 14 Tournaments

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Mon, Mar 30 2015 6:38 PM (3 replies)
  • Fencer100
    2,064 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 2:50 AM

    I see that the WGT Tournament director is carrying on with his policy of setting the Weekly tournaments for Legends with heavy winds !

    This week it is 5 out of 7 Tournaments, I know us legends should be able to play heavy winds, but to carry on setting the majority every week with heavy winds is very narrow minded.  

    Is this a way of preventing the increasing number of cheats from winning the Tourneys or deterring the average players who may enjoy the WGT free tourneys from playing in them. The setting of heavy winds has been going on some time now and its BORING !! Most CC's will set them, but not that often because many will not play them. but this guy has his finger stuck on that button 


  • Longman54
    6 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 4:34 AM

    I will not ever play a heavy wind tournaments, due to the fact that if you move the flag were you think it needs to b and hit the ding. The ball goes where wgt tell it to go. I have an em ail from wgt saying that they DO FIX THE GAME SOME TIMES!!!!!

  • NotFacebookCraw
    49 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 9:07 AM

    I like the heavy winds.  I have a calculator and know some trig.  It seems to offset my complete inability to hit the ding!  It is nice to play without every hole being a math problem, though.  I know it's a nit picking observation, but how about double checking the names of the tournaments to make sure they match the courses? 

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Mon, Mar 30 2015 6:38 PM

    I have bitched for a year about the heavy wind tourneys and nothing ever changes.  It's like trying to manipulate a ping pong ball in a hurricane.  No thank you... it's a total crap shoot.  They also continue to muck up the weekly tourneys with high winds and mistakes with green speeds... this week's 'Most Famous' tourney is actually SA's...  Well done.. just collect the money, WGT... any more new drivers or balls to sell us?  We don't have enough of them... ;)