I don't know if this is a WGT bug or simply WGT being understaffed and unable to keep up with awarding credits for paid tournaments.
It has been 19 days since we had a premium tournament with a high entry fee. With me adding money to the pot, we are due a $61.00 return to the 9 members who entered.
I have written many messages for the past week. First for a few days to WGTicon, who finally told me to write to Member Services. After my first e-mail, I received a reply saying that premium tournaments can take up to 15 days to pay out (news to me, since they were always paid out within a day (two days tops) in the past.
On day 15 I wrote back to Member Services (and every day since, making it 5 straight days now) and they have not even had enough courtesy to even reply to my messages.
In the meantime, we had another two round, ten day premium tournament (with a $24.40 payout after WGT's 20% cut) and that has not been paid either.
I am about ready to find another online golf game. In the meantime, our country club is boycotting any more premium tournaments or spending another dime on WGT credits until this is resolved.
This is totally unacceptable!