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Tue, Apr 28 2015 1:50 PM (3 replies)
  • macscrubbler
    1,790 Posts
    Fri, Apr 3 2015 5:43 PM


    hi folks

    when i noticed the new option in the create tournament  '  add to prize fund  ' i thought i have been hinting for that sort of thing for months, and mailed members@wgt enquiring about such an option..

    we have had added prize funds in the flappers for a year or so, with prizes ranging from cheap balls to decent putters,and clubs   with this new option, one can give  credits meaning , the winners of those events can now  choose their own stuff  ,to buy with their winnings..


    there is only 1 nefative point t,hat only the event creator can set what amount of added prize credits,,,the reason for this is i got a member to  pledge 3000 cds , for our 1st major, but tongue in  cheek i posted on our CC forum asking our members who could afford ,  to donate, to this eventy also,

    my wgt friends,  the response was incredible and the 3000 credits promised doubled in a heart beat, so could all you players support  and urge WGT  to  consider introducing what i have called  a  "  TREASURE CHEST "  where all members of a CC can deposit  any credits they can afford  wvhether it is  10   or 10,000.

    there are a kind bunch of guys who try and assist new members who play with the starter equipment, for instance we signed up a new member yesterday,  and immediately entered our weekly  '  must play '   events, and their was no need for this new guy to enter . 

    ,  as a thank you i gifted him a taylormade spider putter as he playes with  wgt starter gear,  those guys and I,  check what  equipment those new members  use, and once a new member is committed to stay with us,

    we usually gift  those with starter gear a wgt slow meter balls 99 credits a sleeve  which  are better than you think folks., so if we can persuade WGT to  get their programmers to  check the feasibility of such a   " treasure chest " .


    then  the opportunity to create a truly member driven  CC with the abilty to assit one another,  put up added prizes, etc. ..

    depositing funds into the  chest would be 100% voluntary, and anonymous, and the flappers guys are responding top this in a very positive manner, and keep in mind WGT,  the credits ,  can only  be used to buy  stuff from YOU worth a thought guys

    please come and join us non club and unhappy CC players follow our  new rules and have fun

    stay safe and healthy my friends

    macscrubbler re cobrared  the flappers owner

  • Beryman
    9,100 Posts
    Fri, Apr 3 2015 5:56 PM

    has been in the works for quite sometime mate....WGT calls it the "bank" ... it is listed in your CC section on the game client and says "coming soon" has said that for many moons

  • macscrubbler
    1,790 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 9:16 AM


    thanks mate i suggested 1 year ago about  a charge for all members who could afford it i gave it the name  " screen fees "  when did the CC passes commence/

    i will now go and check this bro  ta once more



  • macscrubbler
    1,790 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2015 1:50 PM

    hi mate and all wgteers

    skpulf all club owners , approach wgt to implore them to make their ' bank '  official, as i have a small membership, but we all wih to get this up and running, to improve added prizes on our events..

    we also think tjhat our members will become more inclusive in club affairs , so please post your support my  wgt fiends and our club will appreciate  your efforts very much.

    thanks and regard


    owner of  the  over 60s fun flappers