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3-Tour PGA Challenge = 3-Tier WGT Challenge?

Thu, Dec 9 2010 10:12 PM (4 replies)
  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Wed, Dec 8 2010 1:30 PM


    Now I know this probably would not fly, but I am proposables an event like the PGA 3-Tour Challenge.

    That is where the authorities or whatnot assemble threesomes from the senior,ladies, and mens tour for a best ball scramble somewhat like that.

    On the WGT - it could be tiers. One Legend, one Tour Pro, and one Amateur.

    Now - keep in mind I am just a common man and comments and whatnot encouraged.


    Sincerely, Yancy

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Wed, Dec 8 2010 5:14 PM

    that would be great Yancy, but from one common man to another it would open up bunches of trouble. imagine the posts in regard to who was and who wasnt  picked.

    keep it the short stuff


    still searching for the cure to


    ps if i ever wanted to how would i go about opening  a new thread?

  • McDowell2671
    9 Posts
    Thu, Dec 9 2010 7:11 AM

    I like this idea a lot

    It would be class!










  • stencil
    455 Posts
    Thu, Dec 9 2010 3:32 PM

    Like it looks fun

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Dec 9 2010 10:12 PM

    On the WGT - it could be tiers. One Legend, one Tour Pro, and one Amateur.


    Don't know if WGT could pull it off, but there's nothing stopping a player from setting it up.

    See'ins how you came up with the format, I nominate you as "camp director"..:>)

    Sign me up as a senior..... wait you forgot to add TM!...What no EOE?   LOL