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The Quest

Thu, Apr 16 2015 10:14 AM (8 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 7:12 AM

    While we are fortunate to have such a wonderful game here at WGT and enjoy the realistic nature of it. However, the changing direction and strength of the wind factor is of a nature that could not be found anywhere on earth. I have always wondered why ? On any given day, wind will normally proceed closely in a single direction. Not north on one hole then south on the next....except here. Why ? Is the programing of realistic conditions so complicated to control, so as to present the golf course in a consistant profile and provide the same conditions from one golfer to the next ?

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 7:25 AM

    Au contraire.

    You sure that you don't know it? Don't want to spoil your party.

  • MartyFlanagan
    2,488 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 7:46 AM

    they should invest some time into the wind, even if it was one direction for 9 holes and the opposite for the other 9, that would be a good start.

    they should have worked more on the wind when they were creating this game

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 8:01 AM

    Google maps will show every course here and the N,S,E,W direction of it and each hole. If the wind of the day is from the south, it should be reflected here, as we play, to be realistic. Not as an impossible hodge-podge, which isn't. ;-}  

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 8:14 AM

    O.k., I have news for you:

    What WGT said (resp. what I understood):

    Wind direction is voluntarily random between the holes, to avoid two unwanted gamers' habits:

    - restart a tournament until the wind fits for a majority of holes,

    - tell a companion about the wind directions, to his advantage.

    This may be questioned but it is clear enough to understand that they won't change it.


    And, realism has limits:

    The game is programmed to resemble reality, with certain boundaries.

    We sit at our PCs, it's easy to restart, interrupt or abandon a game, etc.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 8:33 AM

    She knows all that, Alosso. Total mystery why this is even brought up for the umpteenth time.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 8:37 AM


    O.k., I have news for you:

    What WGT said (resp. what I understood):

    Wind direction is voluntarily random between the holes, to avoid two unwanted gamers' habits:

    - restart a tournament until the wind fits for a majority of holes,

    - tell a companion about the wind directions, to his advantage.

    This may be questioned but it is clear enough to understand that they won't change it.

    0h...The news is, this is not news to me. But, if the wind was the same for everybody, ie. direction and strength, those two "gamer hints" would be not.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 9:19 AM

    The news is, this is not news to me.

    By asking "why" in the first place, you hid that well from me. ;)

    But, if the wind was the same for everybody, ie. direction and strength, those two "gamer hints" would be not.

    The second,

    - tell a companion about the wind directions, to his advantage.

    might work perfectly.

    But, I'm not the one to discuss this subject - I accept the way it is, and I have no power to change it. Serenity Prayer applies.

    And, it's no news that there will be no news from the company.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 10:14 AM

    LOL, the only thing I know about the wind is by the 3rd or 4th hole I will know if "this" is the round I better shoot low because of favorable winds...and I know for a fact that if I get to hole 7 at -6 the wind direction and speed shown is not indicative of how the shot will play...

    ie: if I'm -6, in the fairway on 7 with 223yrds in on BPB with a 9-11mph headwind, if I play the shot for a 9-11 headwind I will be over the flag...or a 9-11mph wind wind at 45 degrees will play like a strong short it won't be what the arrow or numbers say it is!

    If I finish the front 9 with a good score playing 18, I better remember how the course played in previous rounds because all those indicators will be usually helps knowing things are not what they appear to be when ur shooting low!