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can't load equipment

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 17 2015 1:38 AM (2 replies)
  • AlaskaDano
    11 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 5:29 PM

    Since I rented clubs on Sunday, I can't reset my equipment, and the system crashes without the ability to play.  Been down since Sunday and have not been able to play since .  The support team suggestion was not successful., they told me to empty my bag and save, but that is not possible, as it requires some equipment to be installed before saving.  

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 6:09 PM

    Hi AlaskaDano,

    Please try the below steps from our customer support team also a link to a YouTube video. Make sure that you are un-equipping the bag and not just emptying it. Hope this helps and thanks!

    1. Log into client and proceed to change equipment.

    2. Click on the bags tab.

    3. Un-check bag and save changes. 

    4. Go back to change equipment. 

    5. Click the bags tab.

    6. Drag desired bag to "drag bag to equip" area and save changes.

    All the Best,


  • Ianzzz
    6,372 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2015 1:38 AM

    I also have to do this when on Maxthon but not on Chrome

    Also finding that it can take ages to get the "Play Now" and message box, sometimes if at all.

    Something has gone awry with this side of the pages, also friends list seems to fade in instead of appearing straight away .  Is this deliberate (has it been altered)?  When the message/play now box is on its way, I get a spinner with various messages underneath (Checking lies, teeing off etc.) This is new too

