Each club has its own particular meter speed and you can also slow the meter even more by purchasing balls...look for balls with more feel, but be sure to read the description before you buy.
For clubs you already own, go to Main Menu then My Equipment...there you
can look at the attributes chart, including meter speed, which display on
the right when you click on each club.
When shopping in the Pro Shop, scroll over the club you are interested in...this will
display the clubs attributes. By clicking on Learn More, the program compares that club with a similar club in your bag. Note, your bag needs to be equipped with the club you want to compare.
When it comes to balls, in the Pro Shop you can read about individual ball performance, descriptions, compare price and attributes. Don't just look for balls with more feel, read the descriptions so you know what you are getting for your money. There is a reason clubs and balls cost more than others.
There is no other way I know of to slow the meter. But be sure your system is working properly and check out the System Requirements
over there----> Also, try turning off anything in the game Options
you don't need and lower the Flash Quality. This might smooth the
meter and minimize the hesitation.