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your jumping swing meter

Sun, Dec 12 2010 12:22 PM (8 replies)
  • Kevin1957
    2 Posts
    Sat, Dec 11 2010 4:32 AM

    Begining to think this is a problem you cant fix. Maybe you have too many meter speeds programed and somehow they overlap at times. Seen too many good games go down the tubes over a meter that goes haywire. If you cant correct the issue give 1 mulligain for each nine holes of play. It really sucks when you pay for a ball and your meter sends it into the lake. I can live with a bad shot, its part of the game, its what brings you back. The haywire meter is a part of far too many games.

  • asugunnu
    48 Posts
    Sat, Dec 11 2010 5:00 AM

    they'll never fix that damn prob bud ; da more ya lose balls,da more they sell them..

  • borntobesting
    9,766 Posts
    Sat, Dec 11 2010 10:24 AM

    You must realize that it is a flash problem and it is Adobe and not WGT that must find a way to make flash player more stable. Sure WGT has some responsibility but they have given us many tips to make flash as stable as possible.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Sat, Dec 11 2010 10:48 AM

    Try using Game Booster for free or get a better processor. My meter always works fine! You can also switch browsers; Opera is the best one and it's free!


  • borntobesting
    9,766 Posts
    Sat, Dec 11 2010 12:17 PM


    Try using Game Booster for free or get a better processor. My meter always works fine! You can also switch browsers; Opera is the best one and it's free!


    Opera is Not the best, not even close. I have tried them all. Opera ,Safari,Firefox.IE,Chrome and chrome Iron and for me Iron is the best.  Opera is actually close to the bottom with only IE being worse. And for Opera being free, all the browsers are free as is game booster as long as you don't download the latest version that now has many of the tools that used to be free now costing an annual fee.For me except for a 2 hour window every Wednesday morning and early afternoon I have virtually no meter issues.And I only have that 2 hour window because of my anti-virus program running its weekly scan. Another thing that really helps with the meter is to keep your video card drivers up to date. outdated drivers don't coexist with flash very well.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sat, Dec 11 2010 12:46 PM

    Not so sure it's a Flash problem. I've noticed that meter balking/skipping is MUCH more prevalent on weekends, when there are more people logged in to WGT. That would suggest it's either a WGT server "horsepower" problem (need more/faster servers one hop off the Internet backbone on a fiber optic line the size of your leg) or a blanket Internet problem, how well you are served by your own Internet connection.

    Either way, it would seem reasonable to suggest that WGT should come up with a downloadable swing meter module (simple little progress bar app). Download, install, and the swing meter runs off your own box. Guaranteed smooth meter. Hit your shot and the swing meter module transmits the accomplished data over the Internet back to WGT.

    Might be a millisecond delay between your actual swing and the avatar's reaction, but hey, that'd sure beat the crap out of that presumably bandwidth-induced "gotcha" half-inch sproing of the progress bar we all know and hate.

  • Duckster101
    26 Posts
    Sat, Dec 11 2010 12:51 PM

    Thanks all,,,done all that, still gettin bad power bar,,,changed browsers,,just seem beta games does that,,, I'm on another beta game,,, kinda the same issues,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mo money, less satisfaction

  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Sun, Dec 12 2010 11:59 AM

    After a year,,,$$$ balls,,,$$$ clubs,,,daily experience,,,daily knowledge...What have I learned...Makes no frickin difference,,,,WGT controls the outcome of these matches without a doubt,,,weather it be meter glitches,,,missed two foot putts?,,,absolute meter shots that go sour...And WGT,,,sits back and laughs at  your concerns,,,Why do the cheaters do so well here,,,because the sight was created by a bunch of cheating pimps,,,,no doubt in my mind...So,,,I have all the sufferings,,, the same factors as a CRACK ADDICT,,,there are no better choices... If you are a beginner,,,quite before it gets you also...

  • cmaster136
    255 Posts
    Sun, Dec 12 2010 12:22 PM

    My question is, why do the balls that I have that are supposed to have 2 dots of back spin not working and why is the fricken meter not consistent? It does not matter which club I use, one shot the meter moves at one speed and the next it moves at a different speed. Also these balls do not back spin no matter what club I use. This is total BBBBBSSSSS. Of course they (meaning WGT) doesn't care. They just sit back and collect from the people that pay for these items!!!!!!!!!!!