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True Averages

Mon, Apr 20 2015 4:02 PM (16 replies)
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  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sat, Apr 18 2015 9:23 PM

    Was reading some old threads and came across a great suggestion from IvaThogon on Aug 10 2010.

    "Simply make every ranked round have to be finished, and quitting becomes pointless. Every single player ranked round, every multiplayer ranked round, every single play tournament round, every unlimited play tournament round. By doing this, quitting becomes irrelevant. Furthermore, it makes the ranking system a lot more like a handicap. In real life, you can't play say 16 holes, just quit and say I'm not gonna count this one. Also, it addresses the entire idea of different reasons for quitting (some are quitters to protect average, some get disconnected, power outage, internet problem, whatever). A ranked game started gets finished. You quit, get disconnected, whatever, when you comeback, you finish. If nothing else, this would certainly fix the quitting problem AND get averages in line with ability for those who choose to quit rather than post."

    WGT, How about making this happen.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 12:24 AM

    Think - why has this not happened in 4.5 years?

    Think - how would customers feel to be forced to some action if they don't want to continue or have to stop it?

    "Don't leave the restaurant until you have finished your meal!"

    "Don't leave the fitness center before your time is over!"

    Would this be an invitation to come back again?

    Think - how might this be enforced? If a player shuts down his PC during a MP game, what should happen? Should the others have to wait until he restarts the game, after a day, a month or never?

    Think - what other consequences are imaginable without losing this client?

    BTW, no real golfer is obliged to continue if he's hurt or is in a time dilemma or if it's simply not his day. There, quitting a game may only lead to a rise in HCP, and this has been excluded here in Autumn 2010 (iirc), when the average and tier system was changed.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 7:33 AM


    Additionally, WGTs income from expensive ball sales to gamers would probably go down dramatically. Those who start and restart over and over again burn through a lot of balls but they will think twice about buying and using the expensive ones if there is a good chance the company will force them to waste all those pricey hits after they have one bad hole.

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 9:30 AM

    So basically it all comes down to $$$.   Got it.  I don't like it, but hey, this is the world we live in.  Take what you can no matter what the pain is to that person giving.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 9:59 AM

    Nope - the pain must not become too overwhelming - they would quit then.

    But, the history of this game shows that many are quite pain-tolerant.

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 10:02 AM

    You flip-flop alosso.   Thank you though for responding.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 10:06 AM

    You flip-flop

    This is no gay action - can't find any good explanation.

    Please verbose.

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 10:09 AM

    Your statement before was contradicting.   That was my point with the "flip-flop" phrase.

    I can tell you love this game and are defending it; I too love the game but will not defend someone who is constantly punching me in the face as WGT is.  I fight back!


  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 1:39 PM

    Thanks for the explanation.

    Can't see where I defended anybody.

    Alas, the company won't follow emotional ideas and certainly won't wind back time.

    And you fail to answer my questions...

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sun, Apr 19 2015 2:17 PM

    Your questions are not for me to answer.  Maybe someone with a 'WGT' in their name can answer for you.

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