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Southern England Links

Mon, Jun 1 2015 8:17 AM (10 replies)
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  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Tue, Apr 21 2015 3:33 PM


    Bored in your club, only 10 people playing?

    See if this list fits what you're looking for:

    1. Own website with all the news/details/comps
    2. Forum for more details on events/signups
    3. Chat room to meet fellow members, arrange games and pass the time of day
    4. Full 3 monthly Order of Merit (best 8 from 12 to count from each event)
    5. Unique SEL Rankings (think real World golf Rankings)
    6. Offline leagues with promotion/relegation (12 months and going strong)
    7. Cups, and Tiered Cups
    8. Small entry Premium league, 3 rounds per week
    9. Fun, credit events each week
    10. Online team comps, matchplay knockouts
    11. Inter CC team or teams depending on competition
    12. Player stats (best rounds, best positions)

    There's a dozen things to get you thinking.

    Want to join? Send me a friend and club invite, register on our forums at and the chat rooms.


    Nearly forgot, if you only like playing Tournie greens and Low winds, then don't apply, at SEL all the (normal) green speeds are used and all wind and pin types also, and all events apart from fun credits are from the proper tees, no average cutting at SEL!!!

    Hope to see you soon.



  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2015 4:23 PM

    Just because we are mid league season doesn't mean you can't join..many of our events are tailored for you to join mid Tour!

    By the way, all wind speeds are used along with pins and all the green speeds from slow through to championship and all events (apart from an odd fun one) are from your default tees.

    there are NO one setup ponies in this club, so if you want an all round challenge, maybe ours is the club you want.



  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Sun, May 10 2015 11:54 AM


  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2015 1:10 PM

    New league season and 4 week rota starting Mon 1st June, but you don't have to wait until then to join, sign up now and get your feet under the table,

    We have a "spare" week starting Mon 25th May seeing a one off Endurance week with a round to be played at each course over the week, can you shoot the lowest aggregate score over these 12 rounds???

    Visit us at and see if you like the set up.


  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Sun, May 17 2015 3:10 PM

    wow, lots of clubs the 1st page in under 1 day...can't have that, lol.

    If you're looking for a new club, please read above.


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, May 18 2015 1:17 AM

    Yeah considering some owners run 2 or sometimes 3 adverts on the first page doh!!!!!!

    So i will give you a friendly bump Affo, unless we both write out another 2 or 3 each ;-)


  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Fri, May 22 2015 1:40 PM

    Very kind of you to bump us Bubbs.

    New League season/cups start Monday 1st June and next week sees a 15 event endurance week, as a break!

    Good time to join, just reached 100 members for the first time and all players have played a CC event in the last if you're active and willing to play in CC events, you know what to do.



  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, May 23 2015 5:13 AM

    No problem mate, and by the way folks, take a look at the website, really good it is.

    Plus very active club, which i for one admire, no good having 200 members if only 20 play your comps IMO.


    No reply needed Affo as messin your advert page up lol

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Wed, May 27 2015 8:13 AM

    Bump.  For anyone wishing to join up, the leagues for June start this coming Monday.

  • Affo
    133 Posts
    Sat, May 30 2015 3:53 AM

    As Trents said, new League season starting on Monday (1st June) along with all the cups...join by end of Sunday and enter one of the Endurance events and you'll be included.


    SEL Owner - 80 out of 111 have taken part in our new Endurance event this week and 43 have played 10 or more of the 14 events, with 2 days to go...proof of the activity in the club ;)

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