Is there anyway for WGT to ban, outlaw, or highlight to other players whom are using software that pretty much tells players what clubs to use, distance etc. Couple this with meter slowing software make for a un-level playing field.
I've recently been invited tot a CC that pretty much offers such software that makes me feel kind of 'what's the point of just gripping, ripping n hitting'
Your cardboard thingy is just a home made version of putter/shotpal and a lot of players use either their own or WGT's.
Club/distance/wind calculators are allowed by WGT, they are a guide and while I don't like the idea of them and would never use one they don't really give any more advantage than experience of the game does.
Meter slowing software is an entirely different matter. It is outlawed by WGT and is cheating, plain and simple.
If your CC is offering meter slowing software then it is your obligation to report the offending players to WGT and I would also suggest that you leave the CC.
If it is not your present CC that is offering slow meter software then I think you should name the offending CC here...