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adverts killing this game

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Sun, Aug 13 2017 9:36 AM (14 replies)
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  • wtiger22
    1,027 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2015 7:58 AM

    i have just about had enough of the current cycle of adverts (full page) interrupting the game, seriously slowing the load times of the game....and in a few cases even cutting in when i have played a shot!!

    Its ruining the whole thing

    i understand that adverts are a necessary evil, but it is completely self-defeating if the adverts end up driving people away from the game!

  • ScottHope
    10,676 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2015 1:09 PM
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2015 5:41 PM

    Since the main WGT site with the home page and forums etc should be closed when playing the game, ads on the main site can't affect the game client.

    Scott, do you run adblock on the game client too?  If so, any difference in memory and CPU usage with adblock vs without adblock?

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Tue, Apr 28 2015 6:42 PM

    I personally don't use adblock, as I see no reason to.

    I only have my game client open when playing, no difference what so ever on my cpu, even if I forget to close the other window.

  • ScottHope
    10,676 Posts
    Wed, Apr 29 2015 1:25 AM

     andyson: "Scott, do you run adblock on the game client too?  If so, any difference in memory and CPU usage with adblock vs without adblock?"

    Hi Andy, you might think this odd but I don't have 'AdBlock' on my system, my antivirus suite does all that for me. I was just trying to show the OP the difference that having some form of advertisement blocking can make.

    The ads are blocked in the game client too, although the odd one does appear very occasionally but not enough for me to be concerned about. I will do a memory/CPU check for you later.

    EDIT : With just the game client running ...

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Apr 29 2015 9:38 PM

    Thanks for trying Scott.  I was interested specifically on the affect of Adblock itself on the game client. I don't use it myself.  Here's one article that states AB has a significant affect on memory and CPU usage.

  • ScottHope
    10,676 Posts
    Thu, Apr 30 2015 12:38 AM
    Oh, sorry about that Andy. YJ uses it so perhaps he could help you out.
  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, May 2 2015 1:48 PM

    I use AdBlock Plus for Chrome. A reload of this page with it off results in much more CPU usage, but it abates pretty quickly.

    I started using it to avoid the 30 second ads that were popping up at the beginning and turn - and especially for any replay viewing. 

    Anyone who does SuperSonic vids for credits will appreciate the quicker reload/refresh. It doesn't block SS, but does block Radium One. 

    Very simple Enable/Disable. 

  • anycards
    2 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 9:56 AM

    not sure about cpu usage but i use chrome extensions

    Adblock Plus



    i also created a 2 gigabyte virtual memoty block on

    my chromebook

    the two extentions listed above completly solved the

    problem of jittery swing metet

    it also slowed down the swing meter speed.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Aug 21 2015 10:50 AM


    Oh, sorry about that Andy. YJ uses it so perhaps he could help you out.

    Yes, I do and I have never seen an ad while playing and never thought twice about whether or not having it made a difference in the game play because there aren't  any issues. It is the only extension I have in the browser.

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