Is there any way of choosing which of the pairing drives off the first tee? Would be a nice tactical element to add cos it seems random for Team 2 at the moment from the games i've played
The creator of the game is always on team green
The first thing that happens once all the slots are filled is it asks the creator who they want as a partner so, they can choose player 2,3 or 4
if they choose player 2, then 3+4 are team gold
if they choose player 3, then player 2 + 4 are team gold
if they choose player 4, then 2 + 3 are team gold
in any case, the next person down the list (1-4) who isn't the creators partner then gets asked who will tee off first for team gold
if they choose player 2, then 3+4 are team gold, 3 decides tee off order
if they choose player 3, then player 2 + 4 are team gold, 2 decided tee off order
if they choose player 4, then 2 + 3 are team gold, 2 decides tee off order
Hope it's clearer