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72 Hole Virtual Tour League

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Wed, May 6 2015 5:28 AM (3 replies)
  • aussieagent
    161 Posts
    Thu, Apr 30 2015 10:23 PM

    Hey exciting new club has been formed and is up and running.

    This club has a League that is run over an entire year with 4 Majors and other torneys to accumulate points. Just like a real golf tour...

    Looking for active members now so the season can kick off.


    72 Hole Virtual Tour League 

  • FuzzzyNutzz
    131 Posts
    Mon, May 4 2015 9:27 PM

    Oh this is the club I was kicked out of by a Dictator type for asking some reasonable questions in regards to conflicting rules and double standards??


    Re: New Members Introduce yourself here.
    By FuzzzyNutzz in 72 Hole Virtual Tour League

    Hi thanks for having me..

    i'm still working out if this is the club for me.

    quick question


    New recruits once you have accredited 100 ex points you will be elevated to member status.

    i see heaps of members who are not 'member' status but have well above 100 experience points.

    so how come randyrod and nkotzer  get veteran status, yet they have generated 0 points?

    doesnt your rule apply to everyone?


    Re: New Members Introduce yourself here.
    By PeterJock in 72 Hole Virtual Tour League

    Thanks Fuzzynuts

    I live on a principle called "BOD" benefit of the doubt, every now and then I may make a stupid move or comment everyone has their days. When I or any members continually do so it would become a concern. Yes 100ex pts silly should read 1000 has been corrected.

    Now if I continually do it my members will leavesame as if I leave pests in the club they will leave so I have to be vigilant.

    Randyrodd went looking for me in AAA. Seen I was no longer there and was very disappointed with a club in excess of 190 members only 7 or 8 events running and two were mine say no more. Lets look at those ex points in a few weeks.


    NKoster Veryrarely to you go into a forum and find praise for a non member this happened to me at AAA where NKotzer was praised by member Loudspags I was touched and it showed me the qualities of this gentleman. It's an honor to have him here.  

     Re: New Members Introduce yourself here.

    By FuzzzyNutzz in 72 Hole Virtual Tour League


    Yes 100ex pts silly should read 1000 has been corrected.

    oh so it was a typo..   fair enoough.

    i see many members with 'member' status that dont have 1000 ex pts - how did they get moved to 'member'?


    Randyrodd went looking for me in AAA. Seen I was no longer there and was very disappointed with a club in excess of 190 members only 7 or 8 events running and two were mine say no more. Lets look at those ex points in a few weeks.

    i still dont understand how someone new to this club becomes veteran status immediately. I dont know this AAA club you are talking about

    & cant you just click on someones name load up their profile to see what club they are in??? why would he need to 'look for you'?
    because he went "looking for you" in a club he thought was crap he gets to be veteran?


    NKoster : Very rarely to you go into a forum and find praise for a non member this happened to me at AAA where NKotzer was praised by member Loudspags I was touched and it showed me the qualities of this gentleman. It's an honor to have him here. 

    so you were in this AAA club forum and nkotzter was praised by another member , so nkotzer left AAA to be in your club and he also gets Veteran status, because someone said something nice about him once.  seriously?

    none of this adds up at all - i am a very curious fuzzzynutzz

    this BOD principle of yours sounds like 'Bullsh*t on Demand"

    hmmmmmm.....If you look at randyrods score history and click on the 'drunkards' tournament I see the top 4 players in that tournament are now in this club.

    yet the two i mention dont have anything like 1000 ex points.

    now i am understanding...   you  got them into your club and promised them 'veteran' status because they were top players in another club

    why didnt you just say so?

    if you were me wouldnt you be asking the same questions?

    i am sure i am not the only member who looks at all your rules then looks at the club members list and has the same 'WTF' questions.

    i'm maybe the only with nutzz fuzzzzy enough to ask though.


    Re: New Members Introduce yourself here.
    By PeterJock in 72 Hole Virtual Tour League

    Wow Very harsh coming from a friend


    this BOD principle of yours sounds like 'Bullsh*t on Demand"

    Now this is a classic example on how not to talk to your friends in an open forum.

    Fuzzyhead please understand the meaning of friends: 

    Friendship is having a good relationship with someone, who we call a friend. People in a friendship have respect and affection for each other. A friendship is different from a romantic relationship; friends do not necessarily love each other romantically.

    A friend is a person that someone likes or knows. People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together. They also help each other when they are in trouble or are hurt. Friends are people that can be looked up to and trusted. Sometimes people can't tell their secrets to their parents so they tell it to their friends. Usually friends have similar interests. A friend is one who admires a person's skill and helps orencourages them to make the right choices.

    The strength of the bond of friendship between two people can vary. If the bond is very strong, they are called best friends. This can usually be achieved by possessing the elements of friendship, by being kind, generous, loyal, honest and by having fun. With these qualities you can truly enjoy the bliss of friendship.

    There are expectations, demands and complaints in friendship too. Some people say these should not be there in friendship. But two people interact in this world only when there are expectations. Friends can help you materialistically and morally. But if they don't match with your expectations, it doesn't mean you will break the friendship. This is what is different in friendship as compared to love relationship between two couples. Its all about understanding, realizing and helping whenever possible. Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live all alone. He is a social being. He needs someone to share his joys and sorrows. Generally, it is only the people of the same age, character and background, mentality, etc., who can understand him and understand his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing. Friendship is an elixir which is essential for a happy life.

    Your bleeting carry on when you yourself have contributed little to the club tells me that you are here haveing a sticky beek.

    Your hostility towards me is unwarranted even more so  as I had you down as a friend.

    Once again Randyrodd is player who's score history boasts 75% games over 18 holes. This club was designed for this kind of player.

    Nkotzer has a lot more matchplay and no he is not and was never a member of AAA  He gifted Loudspags over 5000c worth of equipment and they are inseparable doubles partners now.  It was Loudspags post on this that I found very touching. There are many players on WGT that enjoy the game and will never know what its like to play with good balls and equipement because they simply cant afford it.  

    I noticed you have the best equipment what a joy it must be. You have also friended Shrude so enough of this petty banter are you going to use your equipment here then do so. Otherwise go to AAA!




    Re: New Members Introduce yourself here.
    By FuzzzyNutzz in 72 Hole Virtual Tour League

    Peter, I am not your friend.
    I am your WGT 'Friend' because you asked for friendship - i thought I better accept since you were club owner, expecting a welcome message, but no message came. i'm not your RL friend. So your rather lengthy post about friendship Peter, really is moot here in the WGT environment.

    nor, not at any time did you say these members I asked about were friends.

    neither nor Peter at any time did you say they were granted 'veteran' status because of their individual merits.

    Peter, I have no hostility towards you, I am sorry if my questions offend you, but if you cant call a spade a spade and you are the club owner, then what can we expect down the track?

    I didnt read all your babble about friends as it was completely unrelated to anything that has passed before in our conversation.

    Tell me though Peter, why didnt you just answer my initial question with the answer you just gave?  instead of this BOD principle?

    I mean, Peter, you really did beat around the bush and open up a lot more reason for discussion :)

    here i will remind you how simple and how un-hostile the question was:


    i see heaps of members who are not 'member' status but have well above 100 experience points.
    so how come randyrod and nkotzer  get veteran status, yet they have generated 0 points?
    doesnt your rule apply to everyone?

    ok now Peter , lets address some points that you have brought up which are also by the way completely unrelated to my initial question.

    1.  Why on earth would I be in this club having a sticky beak, wouldnt I be better off in one of the larger more successful clubs doing that?
    I applied here because I had been off WGT for a while and went looking for an aussie club, yours was very new with many low tier members so i thought I would join a new club and progress along with the others 

    2. Most of my gear was also gifted to me. Are you judging me on the quantity of my golf bag? Does that impose some kind of threat to you? What difference does it make to my initial question to you? Why mention this?

    3. Yep I friended shrude and I also waiting on my friend request from .. another club owner/s...  who I will both ask some questions of.

    4. You keep bringing up AAA why does that have anything to do with anything??
    I see today in another one of your posts you got booted out for running successful club tournaments there. Is that the only reason?
    I guess I will find out eventually , or maybe not.... i dont think it matters..  or does it.?

    You don't have to answer Peter these are rhetorical questions. 

    anyways, sorry you got off on the wrong foot there Peter,  hope maybe next time someone asks a direct question you can answer directly instead of beating around the bush.. as it were.

    So yes, please lets stop this banter because it isnt doing you any favors and I like a good debate.

    Now , I'm off to play the WGT Masters Championship! 
    OH! and use my CLUB PASS! 

    with my shiny array of equipment   :P


    Peter (yes my name happens to be Peter too)


    Re: New Members Introduce yourself here.
    By PeterJock in 72 Hole Virtual Tour League


    Peter, I am not your friend.
    I am your WGT 'Friend' because you asked for friendship - i thought I better accept since you were club owner, expecting a welcome message, but no message came. i'm not your RL friend. So your rather lengthy post about friendship Peter, really is moot here in the WGT environment.

    nor, not at any time did you say these members I asked about were friends

    This was a hostile member coming in and i gave him some reign so i can pass this on to WGT management.

    I hope members have taken this hairy experience for what it's worth, utter tripe.

    To debase two members Rodd And Nkotzer unnecessarily after what I thought was a sound and fair explanation astounds me.

    Fuzzynuts you are no longer a friend and are not welcome in this club .




    Makes an interesting read doesn't it?
    Yeh I might have antagonised a little, but I make no apologies for calling out this chap when his answers just didnt make sense & began to smell more than a truckers armpit.

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Mon, May 4 2015 10:57 PM

    Damnnnnnnn,,,,,"War and Peace" is a quicker and much more interesting read than all this garbage....................

  • PeterJock
    4,694 Posts
    Wed, May 6 2015 5:28 AM

    What a great advert for our club thanks "FuzzzyNutzz".

    When the public can witness the fast response  to pest control at the 72 hole virtual tour league.  That peace of mind is all a good golfer needs.  Glad your doing lots of reading you might make a friend one day. Anyhow back to your rabbit warren, hare today gone tomorrow I have a club to run.

    Only days away when the club will reach level 4, free shot pal and member increase limit to 75 what a hoot. 

    The virtual tour league starts in 11 days,  pro-am event starts in 4 days all events FREE.
