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WGT product boycott/ pop-up ads)

Mon, Dec 16 2013 10:47 AM (79 replies)
  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:09 AM

    Most companies also take the time to build an ad campaign and do something sensibly. IT seems quite apparent that this was put together with little thought, when you look at the types of ads/products being presented.

    have you SEEN what those ads are promoting, lol ??!!

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:16 AM


    They are not during game play, only between holes

    They dont require you to click them to decline

    Are there different time delay between holes (showing ads) screen formats out there? I just click continue to the next hole. Other then the "pipes"? ad, I haven't got a clue to what the other ads are promoting! LOL.;-D


  • Script
    621 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:17 AM


    Most companies also take the time to build an ad campaign and do something sensibly. IT seems quite apparent that this was put together with little thought, when you look at the types of ads/products being presented.

    have you SEEN what those ads are promoting, lol ??!!

    Mark, They do know the demographic...LOL

    I do agree that the ads don't bother me since this is not a charity...

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:29 AM

    Hey Jim,

    I am with you with ads in the forums, pro shop, or anywhere else outside of the game. I guess I am one of those middle-of-the-roaders. lol. In-game, I'd much prefer an ad-free experience for paying customers, and an ad-based game for free playing customers.

    Thanks for the round yesterday, you guys were a blast !!

  • Script
    621 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 11:35 AM


    Hey Jim,

    I am with you with ads in the forums, pro shop, or anywhere else outside of the game. I guess I am one of those middle-of-the-roaders. lol. In-game, I'd much prefer an ad-free experience for paying customers, and an ad-based game for free playing customers.

    Thanks for the round yesterday, you guys were a blast !!

    That would be an interesting change..some fee for add-free play.  It could be a bit difficult to mix those that chose to pay and those that opted to keep it free and had the ads.

    And yes...the alt shot format and Skype make for great fun with the right folks!

  • couldofbeenpga
    47 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 12:01 PM

    Seems to me that a lot of people don't like it when someone moves there cheese. Don't know what I am talking about read the book ( Who moved my cheese, by Spencer Johnson) I'm sure someone at  WGT has read it. In a lot of major companies its required reading. Apple, IBM, Pepsi, EXXON, Xerox, to name a few. There is one particular statement that I think is what WGT is trying to accomplish by doing this. " If you do not change you can become extinct " they are a business and have to conduct themselves accordingly. I don't know how many employees WGT has but lets say hypothetically they have 10 each drawing a wage of  $60,000.00 a year U.S, then think to yourself how many sets of Virtual balls,clubs, avatars do you think they need to be purchased here to pay one employee's salary for a year and I am not factoring in equipment, computers, servers and all the cost of doing business? Do the math I am sure they are doing what is best for them as a company so they don't go extinct, which would be a real tragedy. So do the pop up ad's bother me HELL YES but when faced with the alternative..............................  minor inconvenience.

    Just my two cents


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2010 12:25 PM

    So do the pop up ad's bother me HELL YES but when faced with the alternative..............................  minor inconvenience.


  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 10:17 AM

    Agreed haha. They sell virtual clubs for upwards of $30 that you will need to keep upgrading throughout the different tiers and up to $6 for virtual golf balls. Avatars and all the other stuff they push. I think they are doing fine with the amount of money they are making. 

    And customer service is non existent. Real shame because it's obviously a wonderful game. :)

    Not complaining or anything just think We shouldn't be getting ads when we are in the game window. Or how about watching another 30 second ad after someone dc's iin the middle of an alt shot game or what have you. No need for that bs.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 10:42 AM


    I think they are doing fine with the amount of money they are making. 

    And customer service is non existent. 

    1) How much are they making?

    2) I've always found customer service to be excellent, I've even had replies within 5 minutes before.

    3) Why post this on a 3 year old thread?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Dec 16 2013 10:47 AM

    3 years old. let it be dead:)

    please start new one if there is need
