OK, Bridgestone steps up to the front once more. Next up is one of the biggest and most active clubs in the business.
Venue is St. Andrews back 9, ranked match play, even lies.
The draw is as follows, winners names will appear in red. Well, it would if I could figure out how to past a single name from Word without that stupid message line appearing. Winners will have a * after their name.
Bridgestone 6 People's Club 10
MKG355 v Remangrum*
Stevietwotimes* v USOpenHack2012
GolferDadRB* v HarryRalph
CanineSupervisor v CDEFGHI
Stevereilly* v Nopro17
v Skrietz
Moosetaya* v Jeepie411
PeteWinyard v Courteneyfish
mrm6400 v Changer29*
Baldace v Gavd999*
Rondo123 v Terwyl1
Dannyphantom v 1963Bubba*
Bigdaddie1 v SaPostTaDoit*
v CSBarbarian*
ISH47 v Torben101*
v BillClintonfan
v Vinnie111*
Squidward v Taximan62*
Grumpyolddom v Bearfan*
Get those friend requests sent and let's get some results in quickly.
Good luck everyone.