I'm a paying customer, too .... occasionally. I don't get you, though
1) distracting - i can sort of see that, it's something new .... give it a week or so and it won't be nearly as noticable.
2) time delaying- hardly so. What's it take? .. an extra second or so, not a big deal. Might be longer of you have dial -up, but who has dial-up anymore?
3) momentum stopping - HUH???
I just don't get some people ... WGT gave us a pretty awesome update IMO.... alt-shot, concede hole & concede putt buttons that have been asked for for months, tournaments on Oakmont ( all reasonably bug-free so far).
Yet I've seen a half dozen threads with people griping about the ads ... unappealing? Yes, but they have no affect on the game itself whatsoever.