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Need to vent

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Sat, Dec 18 2010 6:21 PM (60 replies)
  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 11:35 AM

    Haven't played starter equipment for almost a year.  Decided to give it a go to see how hard it is.  Truth be told playing with starters was a lot more luck than skill.  With the deviation disparity those clubs have it's more or less a crap shoot where the ball ends up.  I thought the g10s had bad devs but this was crazy.  It does water down the "skill" argument even more though.  Played BPB front from the champions tees, moderate wind, all starters and starter ball.  Couldn't even reach half of the fairways but still managed it around pretty well until choke job on 9.  Got bit by the 70 80 rough.  Double bogey nine for a +2 37.  Anyone still think I won't shoot under par with starters from the whites?  LOL  I will for money but that was about as fun as watching paint dry.


  • stencil
    455 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 11:46 AM



    That is quite outstanding from the WAY back tees on Bethpage. wow i struggle to + 2 sometimes with my good clubs and balls from the pro tees.


  • ricklar
    1 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 11:58 AM

    tu as raison ont ne devrais pas payer pour s'ameliore

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 12:07 PM

    Jake, just remember your 25 the other day was all because of your clubs, your skills are still sub standard, in fact you should take some lessons.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,551 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 12:08 PM

    My view is this game is free, you don't have to buy anything.  You play and get better and you can choose to stay at that level or buy some clubs to get better.  I have spent about $30 in this game of my own money.  I have won about $90 in credits, I can't play the match play challenges.

    I did the same as the above poster.  I played the Oakmont qualifier after shooting a good score 62 to qualify, I thought I would give it a go with starter clubs and balls.  I was able to shoot about 82 with starter clubs, I think if I had played a dozen times with starters I could get down to 72.

    Before making the old master level, I was able to shoot about 66 with starters, bought a Rapture dirver and got down to about 63.  Made master and got my average down to under 60.  After the green speed and tee change, I struggle to shoot under 65.

    I like it tough, it was too easy before, if you want to shoot 50 just go over to TWO and you can break 50 in a week.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 12:12 PM

    Heh-2 Opens ago at BPB there were no great clubs. A few Plus drivers or wedges I think but nothing like today. I believe the cut was 63. All I know is I couldn't get under 66 after 1000 tries with the free clubs.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 1:52 PM

    Anyone still think I won't shoot under par with starters from the whites?  LOL  I will for money but that was about as fun as watching paint dry.

    Impressive exhibition Jake....Hows that ole saying go? 
    "Money talks and bull s<>t walks"..;)

    Time for the doubter to step up to the plate.. 

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 2:52 PM

       I think we need to get Gary to live stream the match so we can all watch! :) Jake, that had to have been tougher than watching Ico use the potty putter! Just sayin

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 2:54 PM

    Just because I won't spend time with folks like you for FREE doesn't mean I refuse to play  you.  You purport to be the real genius here while calling everyone else names so why can't you understand I'm happy to play you for a wager?  If I wasn't very confident why the hell would I bet $20?

    This is not about you beating me or visa versa, this is about a legend (LOL) that thinks his skill has made him a legend, where in real life what has made him a legend is his MONEY AND CLUBS.

    I have said this before, I can get my masters degree in 3 days by simply sending $2000 to a web site, and that is the answer mr stanfill

    you are ducking behind money, thinking that you will not have to show me your supposed 68 with reg clubs. Thats ok, I understand the ego problem you have

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Fri, Dec 17 2010 2:57 PM

    Jake, just remember your 25 the other day was all because of your clubs, your skills are still sub standard, in fact you should take some lessons.

    hey if he can shoot 25, then he should be able to do that with regs, because he is a legend