CC members:
There are 47 CCs of more than 240 members in the list, including
12 of 250 members,
21 of 246 to 249 members,
14 of 241 to 245 members.
CC level:
There are 32 CCs of levels 11 to 17 listed, including
5 of levels above the benefits (17 + 18),
27 of levels 11 to 15.
Interesting enough, there's currently no CC of level 16, indicating a gap between the five leaders and the rest of the world.
CC earnings:
There's a gap of almost 100 % between the fourth and the third CC in this ranking.
It's also stunning IMHO that the three "money" leaders don't fall in any of the above categories. All of them are in levels 8 and 9 and have significantly less than 100 members.