you know what let them band me, do you really think i care, and yes it's only a game, but most games the owners get there lazy ass's up and hire the right people to deal with problems that make there game bad,, and if they are unable to do that then they hire someone else to solve the problem, thats what is wrong with this country now is you have morans like WGT who would rather make a buck then to fix problems that contuine to go on week after week after week after week and its the same thing, i read post every day and 95% of all post are about problems with the game itself , so why dont you reply on something that the other 5% are happy with , and yes ive bought clubs and balls, but i will not buy another ball just to try and be a Legend or get some stupid ranking that has no meaning , i play to try and beat another player no matter what his stats are or Tier they may be, and im very sure most players know what im talking about and could care less about my spelling or making a perfect sentence, they create new problems every time they have a new patch and never do anything with the pop ups the meter glich, or any past problems , and now they want to add another course after the first of the year give me a break its all albout WGT making $$$$$$$$$$$$, not anything about having fun, hard to have fun when you tee off and the meter flys to the right all the way to oklahoma and then it replaces your ball when it only went 45 yards to the fescue lmao hell i could have walked 50 yards and picked my ball up when i can see it from the tee box. lmao