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Turn Off Focus Boost?

rated by 0 users
Thu, May 21 2015 9:46 AM (10 replies)
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  • Liberal299
    12 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 12:17 PM

    Hi, Is there a way to turn off the "focus boost" button so it's not visible? Not interested in it, don't want to use it, like Putter Pal, which can be turned off. It's cool you're trying out something new and want people to try it, but I'm not interested in using it so I want to remove it from my game screen. Thanks.

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 6:02 PM


    Hi, Is there a way to turn off the "focus boost" button so it's not visible? Not interested in it, don't want to use it, like Putter Pal, which can be turned off. It's cool you're trying out something new and want people to try it, but I'm not interested in using it so I want to remove it from my game screen. Thanks.

    Hi Liberal299,

    If you select Menu then Options, at the bottom of the list there is a Swing Meter boost option that should toggle this for you.

    All the Best,

  • ScottHope
    10,604 Posts
    Wed, May 20 2015 1:46 AM
    .....and don't forget to scroll down..... .....there you go. : )
  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Wed, May 20 2015 5:34 PM


    .....and don't forget to scroll down..... .....there you go. : )

    Lol, thanks Scott!

  • ScottHope
    10,604 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2015 1:02 AM
    In times gone by Sham, the scroll bar in options was a lot thinner than it is now and was easily overlooked. There were so many responses of, "Where?" or "I can't see it!", when people were told that they could turn off in the options what they didn't like, that you could more or less guarantee the next post would contain a "Scroll down!". It became so predictable that it ended up being funny.

    Ahhh......don't you just love the good ol' days, lol.  : )
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2015 5:52 AM

    If you select Menu then Options, at the bottom of the list there is a Swing Meter boost option that should toggle this for you.

    Heh, never thought to look for a way to turn that nuisance off. Thanks.  :-)

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2015 7:13 AM

    As long as it does not keep changing, is it possible that when i select transparant Avatar and press stays that way please pfft


  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2015 8:32 AM


    If you select Menu then Options, at the bottom of the list there is a Swing Meter boost option that should toggle this for you.

    Heh, never thought to look for a way to turn that nuisance off. Thanks.  :-)

    That was the first thing I did after the update. Checked options found focus boost on/off anf turned it off. I just thought that the lightning bolt above the meter would be distracting.


  • ColumbusStorm
    3,418 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2015 9:30 AM


    If you select Menu then Options, at the bottom of the list there is a Swing Meter boost option that should toggle this for you.

    All the Best,

    I want the option to turn "focus boost" off for everyone all the time. Even for the ones that do not pay for the feature. How's that for an option.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, May 21 2015 9:41 AM

    I want the option to turn "focus boost" off for everyone all the time. Even for the ones that do not pay for the feature. How's that for an option.

    +1 but should not be in any real comp as well.  The sad lil whatevers who use it grinding out low hourly rate vouchers is sad.  Those that want competition don't want it period.

    Practice mode was fine as a gimmick, but WGT becoming just another provider of a cheat is low class and short sighted.

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