Hello players !
First excuse my poor English ...
I'm 46 year old, I'm living on the "French Riviera" near the "Old Course Golf" and "Riviera Golf Barbossi".
I love golf but it's impossible playing IRL because I have problems with my neck, my shoulders and so on ...
But I play "video-golf" since I had 18, the game was "Great Golf" on console (I don't know if I have the right to write the name ...), and 4 years later with "PGA Tour Golf".
It was a real pleasure thinking all the nights I spend with my mates on the sofa, sharing the unique joystick (no joke I see you ...hahaha ) ! All this wonderfull moments.
A month ago, I try this game with my Transformer Prime Android ... Not convinced at all (connection issues, flash issues, etc). And I try to reach on my PC to finaly come here.
After some days passing reading severals forums, I was not surprised reading about cheaters, I learn how "sandbagging" means (normal, human reaction, but awfull ...), I didn't yet understand how certains players does this wonderfull scores ... But I have played on this game with two or three really good players, and "perhaps" it's possible (on PGA Tour Golf I was -20 under the par so ...).
I also understand this : For the moment it's a wonderfull game FOR MY LEVEL (Pro). But when the distances and the meterspeed will increase both (i think so ?) when my own level increase, did I survive ? :o)
I notice that it's really hard to play without $$ ... Just for a decent driver, a good putter, OK.
But the balls ... Pfff ! Anyway ...
So here I am. If you have the meaning to see my stats, and if you think my level is correct, if your country-club look for a player with at least one connection/day and who speak English like a Spanish cow, I'm here. And if not, send me a decent Country-Club's name, perhaps the Frenchies are here ?
Because those "players" who quit, cheat, playing with a 33k modem, and say NOTHING during all the game are really disgusting persons.
See you for a good ride !