It is starting to get a little bit ridiculous in here with the meter jerks,log in issues,unexpected errors,and other crap that is wring with this website. And no I am not going to pay 30 credits for that stupid focus button.
Smooth meter - Optimizing your Windows computer
AUGIE316:And no I am not going to pay 30 credits for that stupid focus button.
Me either, that's why I turn it off in the game settings.
Past ridiculous ...
It's called Greed!!
Dude, Im so sorry your the only one with those problems
Clean out your registry your processor is too slow that is why you are having trouble. I am playing the game and talking on skype at the same time but I have a gaming laptop with the speed needed to do it.
This game needs alot of processor speed and ram memory to run properly. Clean up your pc.
OP " I think w.g.t needs to fix all of the bugs on here."
It is like asking Obama to fix all Us issues at once!!! won't happen, for sure.
Obama can't even fix his fly... much less anything else.
There's no way a new player could find his way through all the bugs and enjoy this wonderful game of golf. Mr. WiGiT; It's time to rebuild with all new computers.