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WGT Block the meter complainers from the forums

Fri, Dec 31 2010 7:56 AM (55 replies)
  • 6packmike
    235 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2010 5:26 PM

    For one I've had meter issues in the past and doing a few searches has helped me come up with ways of playing, browsers to use etc. that the meter is hardly an issue. Perhaps it's time for someone that knows how to avoid meter issues to make a post, sticky it, and edit it when even more info becomes available.And have a moderator delete these posts with a message to the complainer to check out this thread. Also those complainers could be subject to having each post reviewed before being submitted for a while if the complaints continue. Every day it seems there is one or two new threads on this and they sound like wgt slamming and attempts to give them a bad name. It's the same old beaten dead horse that most people with answers are getting tired of responding to. This could keep around quite a few players that quit or claim that they are going to quit if etc. along with those that are influenced by the slams. I for one appreciate the money spent and detailed specs used for the product wgt has put on the table and would like to help sway what seems like ten new dissenters per day.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2010 5:44 PM

    As many people complaining on these threads about the meter WGT would need someone to do that full time

    my opinion


  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2010 5:49 PM

    good players have sticky shots......its programmed!!!!

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2010 5:55 PM

    Hi Mike,

    Nice post - to be honest not sure how you are going to stop this. I just ignore the posts myself .

    Everyone is affected in one way or another by the meter. For me - well to be honest, it rarely affects me, and I dont do anything special at all + I live in Australia - quite a  way from SF.

    It bit me the other day - for the first time in 3 rounds. Stood over a dead straight 3ft putt , meter went crazy and I missed it.  I just dont get bent out of shape over it. Cost me a shot - thats life. Its the same for everyone.

    For me there are two rules.

    1 - Dont run any background programs. Close everything down except the game window you are in. Dont play music, have your email browser open - Nothing!!

    2 - I do 2, or 3 practice swings before each shot. If the meter is not good then I'll do another practice swing. Then when I feel its smooth I go for it. Works for me. 

    Thats it.

    Lets face it - It is only a game !! A hell of a game at that - but a game never the less !!



  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2010 5:56 PM

    Only happened to me twice tonight (in an RG of course).. a THIRTY yard drive and a 15 yard 3-iron...  FIX THE STUCK METER ALREADY!!!!

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2010 6:42 PM

    DF, it sounds like you made a quick stroke on a 3' putt, and the flash animation got you. I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut, if you would've taken the time to let the flash animation settle-down, you would've had a smooth meter on that putt.

    I, along with others can't stress enough about a slow pace of play. We've played a few rounds together and you're a slower player, that's OK. This is why you don't experience a lot of meter stutter like so many members do.


    Play well friend.

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Sat, Dec 25 2010 9:35 PM

    Hey Richard,

    Howya doin ? Hope you had a great Xmas.

    Thanks for the tips. Yeh I must say I dont play quickly - most of the time its just me against the course, so I'm not hurting anyone.

    I am also slower of course because I let the swing meter swing through numerous times on each shot.  I just dont like playing quickly - I just take my time, work out my shots, do my practice swings and just roll on.

    On that putt - from memory. I hadn't had any issues all round, then you drop you're guard and bang it bites you lol.  I may not have done a practice swing, so ...... I paid for it.

    All the best 



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 5:16 AM


    Only happened to me twice tonight (in an RG of course).. a THIRTY yard drive and a 15 yard 3-iron...  FIX THE STUCK METER ALREADY!!!!




    to say that the sticky meter is indeed a conspiracy theory lol.


    for sure we all hit bad shots in real life (isn't that what judging the wind and choosing the right club...for elevated greens and sub elevated greens, roughs and fringes is meant for?)...but the meter fecking up ain't the best way to try and replicate this.

    it's a flash based issue.....nothing to do with being programmed.


    suppose we just got to learn to live with it though as nothing will be done to rectify it.



  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 6:46 AM

    Mike, a well intentioned post to be sure, just not one based in reality. The real issue here is, why is this game still in the beta stage after 3 years? WGT has taken in plenty of REAL money, it's about time this game gets out of the horrific flash platform it continues to be played on. I'm certainly not a great player by any stretch, that being said 95% of my lost balls are a direct result of some kind of meter glitch. At 40 cents a ball I think we have earned the right to question WHY? The answer is not to turn our top of the line CPU into $3,000 video golf playing machines. Happy holidays, JB

    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 7:00 AM

    Well said jbenny,I have noticed 4 things that cause meter grief,,(1)chat from other players during a swing cause big stutter,,(2),Pms sent while playing a game will cause stutter for a couple of holes,,friend list movement at a certain time during the back swing can cause meter spikes,,And also if you play ready gos or srtoke play events,When they come through to your profile that will cause stutter too,,These are issues that WGT should be fixing,:)