I went looking in the bug log because I've noticed something not right with the ball usage and amount of balls in my inventory. And sure enough I've seen 3 or 4 post about this after looking like 2 minutes. Just this morning I had 2 new balls, 100 % certain of this. And I played a couple of alt shot games. I log out and come back and now I have 4 lol. Hey if wgt want to give me balls thats fine lol. But something is totally messed up. And same thing happened to me the other day. I look in my inventory during an alt shot game a see I have more balls then I should. Then I log out and come back and all is normal. Other times when playing alt shot my ball is worn out more then it could possible be then when I play a stroke game, like magic the ball is back to where it should be. It's a total mess.