How thorough were you in setting your machine up? A brand new computer comes packed with all sorts of stuff you won't need and generic settings. Without specs it's hard to see what could be causing you grief but this article will help you. (Scroll down to the msconfig post.) CPU speed, RAM and graphics capabilities all play a part too.
Don't give up. It is very easy to get frustrated trying to get things right. There are some excellent helpers here that will get you there. GL
From later in that thread courtesy of tibbets.......
"There are hosts of different services from programs and toolbars that start up unnecessarily to 'ease access' for the user. Some examples are Adobe Reader and Acrobat, QuickTime, Java Platform updater, etc. If your PC was stock bought from a place like Best buy, you'll also have things like a HP Total Care Advisor or the whatever the Dell, Compaq, etc equivalents are. Some grahpics programs such as anything from Corel will also include some form of monitoring service that starts up. Microsoft Office products also will have a OSA file that starts up automatically.
All of those listed above can safely be disabled from startup without any issues.
Things you don't want to disable are: Anything involving Microsoft Windows Operating System, and your sound, video, and printer monitors, and most likely Windows Defender. If you aren't sure about a particular item in your list, leave it enabled and ask someone in the know what it is."