On the 12th day of Christmas WGT Lords gave to me
12 drivers driving
11 skypers skyping
10 mods asleeping
9 green dots dancing
8 multi's bilking
7 Nike's swimming
6 geezers playing
4 falling birdies
3 meter bends
2 virtual bugs
and a view from the parking lot tees
Hope everyone enjoyed my 12 days of Christmas WGT style. Kind of ran out of creativity near the end, lol.
Myself, I just turned L 2 weeks ago and have spent all my very hard
earned (one click at a time) credits upgrading my driver, irons and
putter for the new challenge. My wedges are woefully lacking with the
exception of my 90 TM ATV 64.
Would be thrilled to match up the high
80's level TM ATV 56 or 60 wedges with it, or just as thrilled to find a
sleeve of 90 blacks that I unfortunately have become accustomed to.
Keeping them in short supply now is making it harder to rebuild the
credits, lol. Thank you to all the fine members here who put forth and
participate in such an honorable cause
! Even though I am still wishing for a Santa here in the final hours, it was a lot of fun to follow this for the last 12 days. I hope to play Santa in December here, it is much more fun to give than receive!