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Christmas in July 2015

Mon, Jul 13 2015 5:16 PM (1,238 replies)
  • Patsybaby
    119 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 8:37 PM

    Dear Santa,

      I feel like a little girl again making a list of my Xmas wishes.

    I have just joined my first Country Club and am equipped with Starters top to bottom, so anything from a driver to a putter will improve my game enormously.

    Hoping  my wish comes true, and thank you to all the Santas for this lovely opportunity


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,595 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 9:00 PM

    Hi Santa,

    If u pass over my chimney, will u kindly drop off a little notebook for me.

    I have always wanted one but never have the spare c's to buy it.

    Sponsorship and expensive balls takes everything.

    Nice of ya all to give .


  • FRIENDofyourWIFE
    305 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 9:13 PM

    Dear Santa's


      Please give me patience when my shots are not going where I expect...





    P.S. If it's not too much trouble, I would like to finish in the top 20 in The Open.    LOL

  • NiblickToeMashie
    10 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 9:31 PM

    Dear Santa, I've been a very good girl and try to eat all my vegetables every day. I'd like to thank you for your generosity, even if I don't get what I want others will and thats what Christmas ( even in July) is all about.

    I wish I had a couple dozen of the RZN Black balls, because I play Alt games and they would help my team. 

    I would also like a TaylorMade R1 Super TP9.0 Black Driver (OBAN shaft) (L99+) I'm level 98 now but you could hold it for me until I'm old enough to drive with it.

    I have a Cleveland 64 wedge that I really love and would like a 52 to go with it. 

    You don't have to get me all of this stuff but Mama said ask for everything you want and let Santa pick one or two things, so he can get more stuff for more kids.

    Hope you and Mrs Claus are enjoying your summer. Who feeds the reindeer while you're in Florida? 

    Love Nib

  • JRock69
    35 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 9:45 PM

    Gday all.this is a fine thing u are doing. I don't ask for much - I would appreciate just some balls to stay competitive. lvl 90 nike.   have a nice day


  • Bojack34
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 9:58 PM

    I could really use a 3 wood that hits the ball 225-235 ish, my starter 3 wood always comes up short when i need it

  • SwingSpazz
    44 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 10:01 PM

    Hello Santa,


    The note book is at the top of my list cuz me mumory aint what it used to be and the post it notes are fallin off the wall.   If you have a tip on how to pass on some equipment in my inventory to others that need, let me know.



  • Gepetto1958
    4,314 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 10:14 PM

    Dear Santa,I think the leprechauns spoiled me enough. But one of my friend dont have any video pubs and surveys. I equipped him mucho mucho all year long and I send him balls every week. But now its time for him to have a better putter. A Taylor Ghost spider level 66 would be nice.

    His name is franzinipierre, my best friend.

    Merci Père Noël!


  • extremepro
    340 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 10:19 PM

    Merry July Santa.  As a loyal 285 consecutive days player I would be grateful if I could get the lvl 89 Taylormade SLDR driver for my July present. If not thanks anyway for being a good Santa.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 10:28 PM


    I just sent them to you MB, please don't waste them.




    Will use them wisely!