If it's my browser I apologise, I have done all the usual cleaning, purging, and probing but if not, wtf is with this game?
Right now the club change is not working again , the free credit videos take many reloads to run and the usual meter screwup- inconsistent speed to name a few, and it has been screwed up for a long time (although there have been improvements )
I listened to many complaints in the forum, many I think are accurate at least to some degree but have waited for the Powers That Be to respond and or fix it,or wait for them to blame it on our Browser or suggesting our cache needs cleaning or our ^&* needs rearranging
I respond by Playing LESS and Buying LESS in the pro shop.
I recently got an E-mail from WGT saying pls come back? I haven't left but have stepped back until there is a reason to step up
I would like to play this site a lot more but when I don't enjoy the game weather playing with friends or a solitary round of CTTH why would I ?
so what is right with this game.? It is the game when it runs decently and the people here who enjoy the interaction but until it's better i'm in the shadows
PS anyone else having problems with the free vids or club changer?