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Club oass screen and hawking balls

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Sun, Jul 5 2015 8:36 AM (5 replies)
  • Dougster555
    226 Posts
    Sat, Jul 4 2015 10:23 PM

    i have noticed lately on my ipad you are trying to sell a sleeve of balls when one ball has a few hits left on it even if i have a whole sleeve left.  How ridiculous can you get?  Do you have any credibility left?  Ask me if i want a sleeve when i have one ball left and stop at that.

    Also i have noticed that on the club pass screen the no button does not always work and the yes button is exactly where the continue button would be if the yes button worked.  I buy plenty of club passes but i have been dupped into buying more than i want to.  Guess what, I have started buying fewer passes because you are irratating me.

    also the on line head to head has become a joke.  I played 5 three hole matches this evening and didnt finish one.  Three times other players forfeited because they hit bad shots and twice the game timed out reconnecting.  What a waste of time.  This is fun?

    I have spent plenty of money in this game and i can tell you these annoying little things you are adding. are going to make me spend less.  I dont really have much respect for people who don't respect me.  What a shame a great game is deteriorating before our eyes.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2015 12:34 AM

    The last ball businesss a bug. They are trying to fix it.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2015 2:20 AM

    I have to ask, just out of blind curiosity, why r u buying club passes when u get two free ones every day.

    U r in a club that is level 8 and have no reason to rush up the levels. There is no reward to u or the club.

  • Dougster555
    226 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2015 7:51 AM

    Hi oneeye,

    i was trying not to buy club passes but end up buying them accidentaly because of the way the screen works.  I spent a career in IT and screens are often designed like that to pick up up yes selections from people that are trying to select no.  I dont appreciate the design.

    thanks, dougster555

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2015 8:27 AM

    The worst thing about the wretched passes is that u have to confront that screen twice a day.

    It should be an option that can be turned off - forever, like the caddy option.

    I was a strong supporter of having no caddie, but the way it has been implemented is just horrid, cumbersome and obtrusive to one's normal game play. I find it impossible to use even if I wanted to.

  • Dougster555
    226 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2015 8:36 AM

    IPADs get that wretched club pass screen every single time the play a new course.