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Wed, Jul 8 2015 11:55 AM (9 replies)
  • CTOCMRet
    143 Posts
    Mon, Jul 6 2015 5:48 AM

    Why are there so many members listed that havent even played in years?  Also pages of clubs that were started, 1/250 or what ever and still listed after years of inactivity.  WGT shud clean up the mess - large number of "listed players" is an ego trip - makes it very difficult for "real players" to make use of player or club listings.  

  • DaveDwingdale
    1,240 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 9:19 AM

    The way it is set up makes it better for WGT.  They are able to show potential sponsors huge membership numbers.


    (Here's a tip:  WGT doesn't give a crap about the people who are actually playing the game.)


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 10:41 AM

    Responsible country clubs remove all members that are inactive for a month.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 10:57 AM

    Responsible country clubs remove all members that are inactive for a month.

    Big statement and totally ridiculous Ms C....................People do what they want for several reasons, and some good ones involve not doing that.

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 11:18 AM

    Responsible country clubs remove all members that are inactive for a month.

    This rule is only applicable in the country of it's origin, I'm afraid: IOM

    Otherways, how irresponsible am I?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 11:21 AM


    Responsible country clubs remove all members that are inactive for a month.

    Big statement and totally ridiculous Ms C....................People do what they want for several reasons, and some good ones involve not doing that.

    It would make the league tables mean something and give people looking for a cc a better idea of how busy the club is.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 11:27 AM



    Responsible country clubs remove all members that are inactive for a month.

    Big statement and totally ridiculous Ms C....................People do what they want for several reasons, and some good ones involve not doing that.

    It would make the league tables mean something and give people looking for a cc a better idea of how busy the club is.

    The league tables run on passes which can be bought, and make no distinction as to club size or measuring who gives a rats about them and so are ridiculous in themselves.  They also encourage piling it high n cheap by some who for whatever inane reason think only XP is a measure of a good club.  They also often bear little to no relation to club participation in internal tourneys or competition offered within that club............having said all that however crude the measure might be some guide is probably better than none, but they should probably do it per club size (EDIT: prob best just number played a tourney within club and externally be better) and delete bought passes otherwise not to bother as straight back to the silliness we have now.  

    My opinion very unchanged:)


    4,019 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 11:31 AM


    Responsible country clubs remove all members that are inactive for a month.

    Big statement and totally ridiculous Ms C....................People do what they want for several reasons, and some good ones involve not doing that.

    I other words, don't die in Ms. Fish's club.   She will boot you if your soul can't scrap together a round at Merion with in a month of your passing.  

    Just kidding, Court.  Slightly.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 11:44 AM

    I didn't mean the XP table. I meant the ones that show club earnings and rounds played. Anyway if a member doesn't play in a month 9 times out of ten they never play again.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2015 11:55 AM

    I didn't mean the XP table. I meant the ones that show club earnings and rounds played. Anyway if a member doesn't play in a month 9 times out of ten they never play again.

    Any of the current measures are a bit crude too crude to say the least, IMO.  Anyway that's a bigger topic than I can be assed with at the mo TBH.  Run your club your way, but my one there may well be reason some will be around for way longer, and that's without personally wishing to build up a stock pile of inactivity.

    EDIT: We digress anyway.  You run a club that offers a v good hope for many good people, I just disagreed on the first sweeping statement that's all.