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HELP! Unwanted Countryclub invite

Tue, Jul 21 2015 9:20 AM (112 replies)
  • ArgyleScott
    1,267 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 5:29 PM


    "Offending club" Argyle? what is the 'offence' exactly, & who are these 'offending clubs'?

    Oh for crying out loud! If you bollix-up the members of a club with mass invites, then your members should be subject to the same.


  • kinkyafrosixty
    137 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2015 6:09 PM

    Here's how it went for me Argyle, I have been running a CC for about three months, for the first month & half i had only one member and invited no-one whilst I got to grips with it, I then decided to start inviting and found that you are lucky to get one member from 10 invites, so I invited about 10 per day on av. and my club slowly grew, a couple of weeks ago I noticed that I had a large number of pending invites (I knew nothing at this time of the WGT decline problem), I started to remove the more long standing ones to tidy up a bit (still not aware of it being a problem) I then started to get req. for invite removal (mostly angry ones) so I looked  into it and found out about the WGT decline issue, so put a message on my wall informing people that if they asked I would remove the invite, (it's still on my wall) then I got a message from yourself asking if I was a virus??? (lol) and responded, when I responded on your wall I noticed a ling to this thread and found that unbeknown to me a kangaroo court was in progress! ... I never targeted any CC's in particular... I just looked for members who were 'online' most not already in CC's some in CC's (WGT provide CC owners with a tool to invite who they like) all I was doing was trying to get my CC populated... as is encouraged by the games administrators, I have always removed (once I realised what 'pending' was it's just slow to do (one at a time) so it is difficult to do overnight, besisides recent pendings may still be deciding or maybe not  yet seen the invite, pending is not necc. bad, I have just used the tools WGT gave me to bulild my club, I have been VERY ethical in my actions... so what is the problem?

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Tue, Jul 14 2015 4:42 AM

    Well Argyles right, my members who dont use this forum are coming to me and saying when they declining from other clubs, as we know due to the glitch, they are kicked out of site and on return they still have invite

    I placed on wall of ccv2qr to ask him to remove a lads invite, today my post deleted and invite still there. Of which the lad in our club has been onto me again. Two others on his wall asking him also and there invites are still there.

    So ignorance is bliss eh...........i will invite some of his members , which for me is a pisser but sick of this.

    P.S Ongoing saga and hats off to top 2 clubs in WGT level wise, as they have no invites pending to members attached to other clubs.........some others up there i cant say the same.

    Wgt cant be blamed for that but if they fix it quick it will cut the problem down


  • ArgyleScott
    1,267 Posts
    Tue, Jul 14 2015 9:40 AM


     I have been VERY ethical in my actions... so what is the problem?

    I'm glad you used my link to get to this "court". Now drop your sanctimonious, "...don't be angry, just ask me politely to remove it," and do the right thing and delete the invites. Polite or otherwise.

    I think you should remove all pending and not issue any more till the glitch is fixed.  It's the honorable way.

  • kinkyafrosixty
    137 Posts
    Tue, Jul 14 2015 9:53 AM

    I have no pending Argyle... I have been deleting them one by one (the only way you can do it) since days before I ever came into contact with you, as i said in my post. why is it sanctimonious to ask for politeness? Why are you angry that someone invited you to something? the preaching you and others have done about this is sanctimonious in the EXTREME to me, what is wrong with inviting people to club on a game?? haha.. it seems like to you it's the crime of the century! when in fact it's normal behavior for a CC owner!!

  • kinkyafrosixty
    137 Posts
    Tue, Jul 14 2015 10:02 AM

    As I said in my post I have always removed them when requested (polite or not) and have been reducing the pending ever since I found it was becoming long, BEFORE the complaints! (I didn't even fully understand it in the first few days after starting invites and didn't know that people could not decline, as didn't most people) yet most people (including Argyle) assume you are causing any problems that arise on purpose and in full knowledge, and start off on attack mode instead of just asking you to do the simple task of removing an little invite!! The anger that has ensued over a small issue is ridiculous!

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Tue, Jul 14 2015 10:52 AM

    Before you keep jumping all over him you should check - he has no Pending Invites in his CC.

    There are others to get upset with but not him.

    Like the Level 13 Black Diamond Hills CC  with an owner that just removes wall posts from people requesting to be removed without taking the person off his list of pending invites. This guys CC is full with 250 members yet has 434 Pending Invites.

    Or how about the 808 Pending Invites of Atlanta Athletic and Social CC where the owner also does not remove the invite just deletes the wall post. This CC has only 5 open spots in his CC.


  • kinkyafrosixty
    137 Posts
    Tue, Jul 14 2015 11:10 AM

    Weeks PDB1? your first ever contact with me was 8/7/15 (I still have the e-mail) and what did you tell me that I wasn't already doing or did not already know?, you just ranted nonesense then apologised, the apology is still on my wall, so why would you now wish to hit me??? over a game? invites? uour wild ideas about pending?,  haha, that is very, very strange!