Over the last few days, many of my opponents and I have experienced numerous load errors. Initial load to games, secondary loads between shots, and errors when the scorecard loads (specifically) the adds lay blank and clog up the load processes.
I know it is not on my end because I have a T4 cable connection and I have a computer set up for gaming only, which typically runs it's CPU around 6%. Is there a way that we or I can block the add's without disturbing the other flash items. I understand that the meter and other game components are operated by the flash utility and have adjusted accordingly.
I originally posted that we needed to make an attempt to accept the new adds as part of the game. I now feel that they have interfered with the game enough that it has made the "experience" unpleasing. I have never had an issue with this game, but it has become an issue that needs addressed.
I request respectfully, that the members of the WGT operational staff take a look at this and respond to the "millions" of followers.
LegendCrusher and the other WGT families.