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Mon, Jul 13 2015 10:41 AM (11 replies)
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  • buzzgt
    575 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2015 3:08 PM

    wyatthamilton owner of black diamond hills country club has hacked mine and several other peoples profiles. he should be kicked out and his club should not be allowed.

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2015 4:58 PM

    You and several others have not been hacked. You're experiencing an issue we're having with Club invites where you try to decline and get logged out only to log back in and there's still an invite. 

    The easiest thing is to contact the owner and ask for them to remove the invitation. 

    The quickest thing is to accept the invitation and then remove yourself from the club. If you accept the invitation and have issues leaving the club contact customer service and let them know you want to be removed from the club and they can remove you manually. 


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2015 8:07 PM

    Why not just stop invites until this is fixed? Owners could still post on walls. Some owners are sending out dozens a day and claiming that they can't remove the invites once sent. 

  • rtreuting
    52 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2015 9:58 PM

    If you accept the invite then you get booted out of your current CC, so i don't think that is good advice for those of us who want to remain in our current clubs. I contacted WyattHamilton and he hasn't responded. May WGT can contact this guy.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2015 11:08 PM

    The easiest thing is to contact the owner and ask for them to remove the invitation. 

    How easy is it to get a reaction from a notorious poacher who'd then claim "I can't remove it - I'm getting thrown out!"?

    The quickest thing is to accept the invitation and then remove yourself from the club.

    Bad advice - the OP is already a member - should he be forced to leave his CC just for a silly forth-and-back step?

    If you accept the invitation and have issues leaving the club contact customer service and let them know you want to be removed from the club and they can remove you manually. 

    This one I like most!

    Users should perform two questionable workarounds and then, in the most unfavourable situation - away from their own CC and trapped by a poaching owner - rely on CS?

    I'm repeating myself, but I have NEVER EVER received any thoughtful answer, let alone help, by CS. This department gets no recommendation from me!

    I'd rather be stuck with an everlasting invite than with any more aggravating situation.


    I also note that you are NOT talking of QA or of a fix or of any work on the subject. I appreciate the honesty implied, but it makes me wonder where this road will lead to...

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 1:46 AM

    Well I have not played in over a month and just log in to answer PM's.

    So today I perused the forums and it is the same criticisms of WGT by the forum users.

    Nothing has changed (apart from a new mod?) and the same pathetic answers where the end user is advised to use work around's rather than the company introducing proper fixes.

    Forget QA Alosso, these chumps are oblivious to this concept - the closest they get to QA is cross your fingers and hope like hell.

    Great to see another Mod....pity it is the same canned answers......bring back the pizza boy. at least he spoke his mind. First impressions are this new mod should change his name to WGTCHUMP.

    For so long I would recommend this game to anyone, encourage them to play and invest and would often gift newer players to help them along the WGT path.

    The game is now broken and seemingly has no one capable of righting the ship.

    Would I recommend this game to anyone now? No I would tell them to run like hell.

    It is plagued with bugs WGT would be an entomologists dream but WGT either do not a s.hit about and treat the players as idiots or they simply do not have a clue.

    Probably a mixture of both but only a monopoly can get away with it.......for a while at least.

    As for me, I took time off after playing less and less due to the constant crashes, bugs and required work-arounds. 

    I quit the CC I loved (as I believe in No Play....No Stay) and will not play until I see the game has stabilized. If not, I am done playing and spending money on what has become a shite product.

    The company does not listen to customers concerns and suggestions (again a sign of a monopoly) nor do we ever hear from the management (and if I was Chad and saw what has become of this once great game), I too would bury my head in the sand or start living under a rock.

    I feel sorry for the mods who try to placate the angry masses and cover up for the incompetent morons who run WGT and the even more inept bungling monkeys we call programmers.

    I just wonder when the penny will finally drop. Perhaps it will be the day the liquidators step in. 

    Signed.....yet another disgruntled customer......or is that ex customer.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 3:07 AM


    Well I have not played in over a month and just log in to answer PM's.

    So today I perused the forums and it is the same criticisms of WGT by the forum users.

    Nothing has changed (apart from a new mod?) and the same pathetic answers where the end user is advised to use work around's rather than the company introducing proper fixes.

    Forget QA Alosso, these chumps are oblivious to this concept - the closest they get to QA is cross your fingers and hope like hell.

    Great to see another Mod....pity it is the same canned answers......bring back the pizza boy. at least he spoke his mind. First impressions are this new mod should change his name to WGTCHUMP.

    For so long I would recommend this game to anyone, encourage them to play and invest and would often gift newer players to help them along the WGT path.

    The game is now broken and seemingly has no one capable of righting the ship.

    Would I recommend this game to anyone now? No I would tell them to run like hell.

    It is plagued with bugs WGT would be an entomologists dream but WGT either do not a s.hit about and treat the players as idiots or they simply do not have a clue.

    Probably a mixture of both but only a monopoly can get away with it.......for a while at least.

    As for me, I took time off after playing less and less due to the constant crashes, bugs and required work-arounds. 

    I quit the CC I loved (as I believe in No Play....No Stay) and will not play until I see the game has stabilized. If not, I am done playing and spending money on what has become a shite product.

    The company does not listen to customers concerns and suggestions (again a sign of a monopoly) nor do we ever hear from the management (and if I was Chad and saw what has become of this once great game), I too would bury my head in the sand or start living under a rock.

    I feel sorry for the mods who try to placate the angry masses and cover up for the incompetent morons who run WGT and the even more inept bungling monkeys we call programmers.

    I just wonder when the penny will finally drop. Perhaps it will be the day the liquidators step in. 

    Signed.....yet another disgruntled customer......or is that ex customer.

    well said

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 4:13 AM

    In fairness I did play some multiplay last week.  I was amazed that we hardly had an issue for several rounds, and nothing that caused an abort, staggered by it really.

    Everyone asked for Officer tools, but they came with the now inevitable new bugs.  The invite issue is a real serious one, IMO.  As an owner I vehemently stick to never soliciting anyone already in a CC, but will invite those not where I see a good fit.  These days even that comes with issues for both parties, and it's not like I carpet sweep even within that.

    The lack of transparency over scoring for me will always leave a cloud that will stop this game really going anywhere serious competition wise.  The TL tier average list is now a red tee chase, but maybe that's where the bulk are?  Small point probably now as equipment has got so good by L90, but that lack of transparency over who is really doing what won't go away.

    The new ideas department bumble from one incredible nonsense to another.  Were it not a monopoly it might be game over, and that rubbish is not helping that I can see.  Spoiling the green dots, and introducing more angles on spoiled dots with the space saved you could hardly write as fiction.  I see that as an area that goes to heart of the game.  Yes you can work around, but it's annoying if you really like the game, and to a noob a real spoiler.  Winging it whilst the monopoly exists about best sums that up.

    Still great fun to be had in a CC, and some fantastic people to meet that you would never otherwise.  Also multiplay for an hour with all those friends is usually just a blast, and my quick fire 9s in between stuff enough fun for me.  Irritating on the latter as you know some are genuinely very good having put the work in, and some way more than I would ever care to.  I don't have a problem with those players and even jag a good result sometimes, lol, but the transparency over the rest detracts from striving for me.  Then again I play enough for me anyway, and so happy with where I am, not really looking to get those last gaps in knowledge filled.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 5:50 AM

    Nothing has changed (apart from a new mod?) and the same pathetic answers where the end user is advised to use work around's rather than the company introducing proper fixes.

    Forget QA Alosso, these chumps are oblivious to this concept - the closest they get to QA is cross your fingers and hope like hell.

    There IS a change Alan, now the hint to users' workarounds has become habitual, and the next mod should get the name


    Furthermore, I never believed in any QA at this company, they have only held the buzzword high in their replys for a while, but no more.

    I like this kind of honesty ;)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2015 7:29 AM

    There IS a change Alan, now the hint to users' workarounds has become habitual, and the next mod should get the name

    Yup.  Damage Limitation seems an even faster growing department than the clueless New Ideas department .  

    Whatever the real reason, and I suspect almighty power bestowed on the hapless and clueless New Ideas stressing the resources elsewhere to be a major one, it's a helluva an achievement - v sadly.

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