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New better equipment at a higher level.

Thu, Dec 30 2010 4:47 PM (3 replies)
  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Thu, Dec 30 2010 11:02 AM

    Well, it appears that the time has come to introduce new outstanding equipment at yet a higher level than 84 for those like me who already own the best of everything. What would personally make my legend mouth water would be a club set with a killer driver surpassing the new R9 (say 290y) and the remainder slightly outshining the i15 series in every respect, all of it with a slower meter, perhaps even Rapture-like at level 100. This would be delightfully sweet. Ask a $100, whatever, I don't care; I would buy it in due time with the mind-spinning excitement of a school girl on Prom night.

    Kindest and grateful regards.


  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Thu, Dec 30 2010 11:30 AM

    In real golf they lengthened the courses to keep up with the new advances in club design and golf balls. In WGT they just lengthened the courses and kept the club distances virtually the same.

    They would definitely sell Legend only clubs and why they haven't offered them defies business logic. These clubs need to approximate the distances that the top PGA tour players reach. Carfeul what we wish for ,though. These will be the most expensive clubs they will have ever offered. Not really sure I am looking forward to that. 

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Dec 30 2010 12:48 PM

    Let's not go back to the days of rounds of -15 and a dozen birdies a round. I think it's about right apart from the legends being too far back.

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Thu, Dec 30 2010 4:47 PM

    There are now and always will be a small number of extremely motivated and gifted players, with exceptional eye-hand coordination and memory, who can pull some ridiculously low scores by PGA standards. But the overwhelming majority of players cannot pull such scores no matter what, or could not even if they were using the clubs I described as my ultimate wish, being a legend with a humble 68 average. These clubs would be very pricey and in all likelihood mostly attract the players that are struggling with fast meter clubs; e.g., i15's.