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Wed, Jul 22 2015 12:13 PM (2 replies)
  • DragonLord1964
    1,331 Posts
    Tue, Jul 21 2015 8:35 AM

    Here at The Jerky Meter CC, we are very proud of a revolutionary idea that has seen us go from just a handful of female members not so very long ago, to being able to proudly announce that currently, more than 30% of our membership is made up of lady members.

    The architect of this surge in recruitment was the captain of our ladies fraternity Betsywantsit, who, with her willing assistant group, developed the concept of The Jerky Meter GEMS, where each of the ladies takes on, as a nickname, the name of a gemstone.

    Not only has this concept proven to be outstandingly popular, as evidenced by the surge in recruiting of ladies to the club, but it has also fostered an equally fantastic surge in integration and participation between male and female members of the club, through special events and promotion of what has become a truly close knit FAMILY of friends and playing partners

    To say that this revolutionary innovation has been a HUGE success, would be selling short the the inspiration behind the concept, and I for one, the VERY proud and lucky owner of the JMCC, pay homage to Betsy and her hard working group of ladies for their dedication and inspiration in guiding us into the light of spirited competition and cameraderie

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Wed, Jul 22 2015 11:49 AM

    Yep!  This has been a very forward thinking concept and it is most definitely great to see so many lovely ladies in our midst at long last!  I can remember not so very long ago, when I could almost count on one hand their number, so well done Betsy and all of those have been of such assistance to her in this effort.

    Now, I guess it's time for us guys to come up with a concept, but will definitely not be gems in our case I'm afraid!!!  So as the old nursery rhyme goes:

    What are little boys made of?
    Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails,
    That's what little boys are made of.

    What are little girls made of?
    Sugar and spice and all things nice,
    That's what little girls are made of.

    So now we have GEMS for the gals, what doe we have for the guys???  Suggestions EV1!

    Phil  aka., Coyote   Men's Captain

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Jul 22 2015 12:13 PM

    The Jerky Meter Country Club is an outstanding CC run by my dear friend, Tim, (Dragon Lord) and his right hand man, Phil (Coyote)...I am the Recruiting Director for a rival CC, and it pains me to say that the idea of making a jewelry box of Gems was a brilliant, well done Betsy.. (Tim simply wanted to call it his Harem) certainly beats my idea of free chocolate chip cookies to new members .(apparently, the cookies were stale by the time they reached them by mail)....I may have to Fed Ex them.

    Kudos, my friends....I will see you on the links
