I agree, it is very annoying. You can almost be certain that when the player who did a bogey at hole 1 drives into a bunker at hole 2, he, or she, will disconnect. Yesterday was the second time in my career that all 4 players finished (and we had horrible scores at Oakmont all 4 of us, but we still had fun). There is "natural causes" for disconnect, so I do not think the disconnect itself should be punished, but aborting a multiplayer game should hurt a little bit. Since WGT have already built in a functionality that allows you to reconnect an finish the game in single play mode, it should be fairly easy to punish those who chooses not to finish. That way those who got disconnected for reasons boynd their control would not need to suffer.
Refuse to finish a multiplayer => 0.X score added to your average (and your name hung on the Hall of Shame :)
I think that people does not realize that a bad round does not affect your score much, if at all. Maybe it affects it more at the beginning of a tier, but my +8 (9 holes, so + 16 really) at Oakmont did not change even a decimal.