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Green speed math

Fri, Jan 20 2023 8:09 AM (18 replies)
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  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Sun, Jul 26 2015 3:25 PM

    In all these years here i encountered a few methods how to calculate the right shotstrenth for your putt. Many, especially the players who want to know it all, practice and precisely work out what they need on drives, ironshots and putts, have come up with schedules, mostly for all to share.

    And we were thankfull for that.


    As for me, i had a pretty simple putting math philosophy: fast was 0% after adding or distracting for height difference; standard was 10% more, slow 20%; very fast 10% less, tournament 20% less.

    With championship greens i became a bit blurry, because for the first time there was a massive difference between uphill and downhill. Uphill you really needed to hit it, downhill and a fart and it went and went and rolled.. But it was managable

    I noticed a change since about a year. Teh diffferences between uphill and downhill became greater, and the influences of the break in the greens increased too. However, it seemd logical it would and more realistic.

    But there was something else. The greenspeeds are now given a stimpnumber and as far i understand, it stands for how far a ball will roll from a standard ramp. Good, solid information about the greenspeed is always welcome. 

    But if the stimp is a given and fixated quantity, how is it possible the greens go slower and slower?


    So, to go backto my subject, I wonder if there is anyone around with a working greenspeed mathprogram?

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Sun, Jul 26 2015 3:36 PM

    I wonder if there is anyone around with a working greenspeed mathprogram?

    I just close my eyes and hope for the best.  Hence the oddball "bougie" that JJ656 likes to remind me of.  ;-)

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Sun, Jul 26 2015 9:58 PM

    There are lots of methods out there - but with putting I find it is best to keep it pretty simple.

    Firstly determine the "effective distance" you need to hit the putt. So add distance for uphill putts - maybe 1 ft per inch, and subtract for downhill - maybe 1 ft per inch.

    This gives your effective distance you want to hit the putt - as if it were on the flat.

    Add 1 to the Stimpmeter reading - and that is how many feet the putt should travel hit with Power = 10.      So 100% x scale 10,  50% x scale 20,    20% x scale 50   etc...

    So if the Stimpmeter says 13.5     then a putt of Power 10 should go 14.5 ft     (13.5 + 1)

    From there just calculate in a linear fashion.


    Example - 15 ft putt uphill 2 inches on   Stimpmeter 12.

    Effective Distance = 17 ft      then I add 1 ft for safety     = 18 feet 

    Power 10 should go 13 ft    So I need Power   10 x 18/13 = 13.85     about 14

    I never hit anywhere near 100% on any putter scale - keeping it in the range of 20% to 50% makes the meter slower near the DIng.  So I would choose in this case to get Power = 14    by hitting 28% on the 20 Scale.

    Seems long - but only because I explain everything in unnecessary detail!!!   Hey !! at least I know my faults    lol

    The steeper the slope - the more it seems to require - add more for steep uphill - and reign it back in for steep downhill or it will keep rolling.

  • poppagolf
    55 Posts
    Mon, Jul 27 2015 2:45 AM

    hi covenant,if your looking for a very good putting math program i would highly reccomend

    daddyskat at the ..the best of  the alliecats cc,i had one from her a while back and it is very good,you can even calibrate it yourself in play,send her a friend request ,then ask if you can have a copy of her prog,she will send you a link ,its very easy,

    if you do get one ,practice with it ,you can alter the % of strength needed quite easily

    i hope she is still doing this ,send  a couple of boxes of balls as thanks,after all it is free.

    hope this helps.

    p.s it is also a wind calc

  • chibulski
    395 Posts
    Mon, Jul 27 2015 8:35 AM

    I made with the following settings the best experience:

    Standard 7,9 = Factor 1,00 (Ex. 15 Feet Putter = 15 Ft. = 100 %)

    Very Slow 7,0 = Factor 1,25

    Slow 7,4 = Factor 1,20

    Fast 9,0 = Factor 0,95 ( Ex. 15 Feet Putter = 15 Ft. = 95 %)

    Very Fast 10,0 = Factor 0,90

    Tournament 11 = Factor 0,82

    Tournament 12 = Factor 0,77

    Championship 13 = Factor 0,72 (Ex. 15 Feet Putter = 15 Ft. = 72 %)

    Championship 13,5 = Factor 0,70

    Championship 14,0 = Factor 0,68

    Super Fast 20,0 = Factor 0,60

    Ultra Fast 30,0 = Factor 0,55 (Ex. 15 Feet Putter = 15 Ft. = 55 %)

    Uphill Putts = Length + Hight + 1 Ft.

    Downhill = Length - Hight



  • Jimshell10
    22 Posts
    Mon, Jul 27 2015 8:05 PM

    Haven't you figured it out yet. There is no formula. As soon as enough people figure out how to play this game comfortably WGT changes everything. That way you will lose more balls and have to take more shots...hence giving them more of your hard earned money. My advice to all players..especially new players just joining is to just have fun with the game. Use basic equipment and balls and progress as high as you can while learning the game and just have some fun. If not you will be out of thousands of dollars and still never achieve what you set out to do. WGT is a joke.

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Wed, Jul 29 2015 3:52 AM

    Nice scheme, Chibulski, but it does not work. Maybe for you it does, but i am pretty sure you cant hold your way of math with the greens nowadays.

    In your calculations i see nothing when breaks are involved and no remarks about the enormous and increasing differnence between uphill and downhill putts


    Anyone noticed lately how often you have to cry out: FRECK!!!!!  SHORT AGAIN !!!!!

  • chibulski
    395 Posts
    Wed, Jul 29 2015 4:06 AM

    hmm, for me are breaks not important for calculation. Uphill = Length (in Ft.) + Hight (in Inch = Feet) + 1 Ft. and my Putts are not to short, mostly the Ball lies in a radius from 1,5 Ft. to the pin, no matter how long is the putt.

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Thu, Jul 30 2015 2:10 AM

    Few simple examples:

    Fast 9greens: distance 14 feet- downhill 4 in = 10 x 0.95 = well, ok, still 10 : I hit it 14, just made it, bit of a break, nothing serious

    Tournament 12: distance 20, downhill 5= 15x 0.77= 11,5; i hit it 12, went 8 feet past

    Tournament 11, but announced as very fast: not even starting there, thats just eyes closed and hope for the best


    The greens have become considerably slower over the last half year, and I cant connect that with a fixated and given stimp, simple as that

  • chibulski
    395 Posts
    Thu, Jul 30 2015 2:49 AM

    Hi Covenant (its my Fav. EBM Band from Sweden..."Call the ships to port"... you know?)

    I play with TM Spider Level 92 Putter and Nike 20XI Level 48 Balls, and i can say.... its the right calculation.

    You ask for the ultimate Math-Formula. Thats my.... My problem is to find the right angel and when i play with overflow and when i play with underflow (Ding right or left).

    Today 3 Rounds and 12 ( in Words twelf) Putts lies 0,2-03- right or left to the hole. Here helps no Math-Formula, here helps no feeling, here helps only luck.

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