johnrg: I would be absolutely embarrassed and ashamed to have put out such an appalling error ridden negative improvement update. You (WGT) do not seem to get it, you are very rapidly driving players away me included.
The problem is John, is that for every pro shop active member they drive away there are 2 new unsuspecting pro shop active members to replace them.
WGT have not been the smartest when it comes to customer retention since day 1. Believing "it is better to give birth to the new than nourish the living"
Subsequently these forums and the complaints, lack of wgt communication, constant and regular bugs released at the same time as other nazi type revenue raising.
The other problem is that the hierarchy of WGT are so out of touch with the game itself that a lot of the games intricacies are well known by members but unfortunately not known by staff. Members are well in tune with what works , what work arounds might be needed, the best club per ball to their style, how to work out wind etc and how to exploit areas. Whereas the staff are blindly looking at code and basic functionality only.
Oh i am sure they have testers that might play the game , but none as regularly as many of the die hards here that demand high quality. Many of which are forum users.
And yet another problem is that the forums only represent maybe 15% of the active players on WGT so forum threads are largely ignored due to the higher percentage of Pro Shop revenue constantly pouring in, in the face of such forum dissent.
We are told to bend over and take it up the a$$ as well as to supply our own KY (which only has a certain 2.5 duration)
Sure, the cameras 'might' be fixed, maybe not - if not , the issues will soon fade away like others have darkened by the shadow of new issues and so the circus continues.
Either way, new issues will constantly arise offering new Face Palm moments for the community to be in awe of how such an entity could be so blatantly DUMB.
I've seen crap come and go and issues stay for us to have to suck it up since 2011.
Since that time , there have been NO real improvements to game play - nothing outstanding by way of features added - just a bunch more revenue raising strategies disguised as 'upgrades' and 'improvements'.
The focus here is obvious.
John, yours is an insight that many of us have
johnrg: (WGT) do not seem to get it