SHRUDE: WGT demands a decent system with a very clean registry
Sorry to argue with a fellow Aussie, Shrude, but .... cleaning the registry is not needed for system optimisation, despite the myriad of websites saying the opposite. There is a minimal or even negligible system improvement possible with "cleaning" a heavily fragmented registry with outdated entries and the like, but it is not like a filesystem, and once a program is loaded in memory there is nothing more to be gained with any so-called registry improvements.
I agree that you want a decent computer and also optimise it as much as possible, but after that then it is out of our hands..
There are lots of optimisations possible that can improve wgt game experience and help achieve a smooth meter, and this is a list of some of what I do:
*disable all C-states in the bios
*running services.msc and disabling or setting to manual all unneccesary services
*disabling most visual enhancements on the desktop
*disabling most start-up entries
*regular defragging (or TRIM if you have an SSD)
*set automatic updates to "Notify to download/install"
*turn off all live tiles (Windows 8 / 10)
*disable system restore, disable remote assistance
But the reality is that if you have done all that, have a good computer, the 3 biggest variables that are responsible for meter smoothness, in no hard order, are:
1. Wgt
2. Browser and browser config
3. Flash and flash version
4. Internet speed - network at your end or wgt's network load