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Information on the 2 new tiers that WGT created

Fri, Oct 2 2015 3:44 PM (104 replies)
  • AceHoler26
    347 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 7:21 AM

    Being a lower level Tour Legend I think creating these 2 new tiers is a fantastic update.  It should allow me to enter ready go tourneys again and at least be able to compete and feel that I have a chance.

    However, that is assuming that the higher level TLs will be taken out of TL and put into Champion or Tour Champion tiers.

    As of right now, that does not appear to have happened.

    I went to my profile page and did a search of all players.  In the drop down box for the search you can specify a search for any of the tiers.  So I did 2 searches.  One for Champion tier and one for Tour Champion tier.  Neither search returned players.

    So I can only assume that as of right now, those 2 tiers are empty, which means all those really high level players are still in the TL tier.

    So I will not be entering any Ready Go tournaments until those tiers are populated.

    When that will happen ?  Who knows.....WGT is nevers very generous with information...

  • AceHoler26
    347 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 7:26 AM

    If a WGT admin reads this.....can you tell us when players will be put into their proper tiers ?

  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 7:43 AM

    It's a good question. I have another one:

    What will happen for the virtual tour and other monthly/weekly tournaments prizes? Will the champion/tour champion tier players continue to play with the tour legend, or will they have their own prizes?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 8:05 AM

    If it's anything like when the TL tier was introduced, there will be a certain number of ranked rounds required to move up over and above what one already has.  IIRC, the TL tier required 100 rounds initially from all those that were already saturated as Legends. The rest that weren't saturated needed a total of 500 rounds and the average to move up.

    What will be interesting to see is what the requirement as a TL will be to get to the Champion tier and the same for getting to TC (Top Cat? LOL)

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 8:24 AM

    Why is everything WGT does ,a guessing game? Why can't they just  put out the requirements? Why do we always have to ask?

    They had no problem lowering your AVG after the first game you played today. Whats up with that?

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 8:25 AM


    If a WGT admin reads this.....can you tell us when players will be put into their proper tiers ?

    They will read it.

    I do know that my average went from 54 to 56, and I intentionally shot a 31 (62) and it stayed at 56, so evidently, everyone (saturated TL's) will begin the (saturation rounds after playing one round).

    Shot and 27 and it dropped to 55.99, then with a 56, it stayed 55.99. I'm guessing that 56 is the highest a saturated TL can go.


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 8:29 AM

    Meter is smooth. But seeing double balls fly after a shot and blinking or no ball at all on shots is distracting. Hope it gets fixed soon.


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 8:37 AM

    Oh and what time do these guys start work....ffs. You  mean to tell me nobody is watching the forum ? 


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 8:46 AM

    We are not making that information public. However, the top tier will be invite only, so it's not possible to get placed there.


  • alosso
    21,086 Posts
    Fri, Jul 31 2015 8:47 AM

    You  mean to tell me nobody is watching the forum ? 

    You may have hope that they are watching (you know my opinion about hope), but the best time for their answers is about noon PDT.

    Edit: Except for Icon ;)