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Twitch Let's Play 8/13 - Possibly Last one 'till YouTube Gaming!!

Sun, Aug 16 2015 2:22 PM (34 replies)
  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Thu, Aug 6 2015 11:20 AM

    Hi All,

    So we won't be having a Twitch match this week. Shoe, Champ, and I are going to try and figure out a few things to make it funner (its a word....) for our viewers. Looking at things like some chat based give away's for followers in chat, maybe music, teamspeak, ect. to make it more involved for you guys/gals. We are also going to promo it a bit more over the week to really see if we can get more people coming into chat. Right now we get a solid 20-30 people in but we really want to get 100+ viewers to make it so the higher ups really see that this is a thing that our players like doing. Depending on what happens next week we may continue with Twitch or we may wait until YouTube Gaming comes out. 

    YouTube gaming for those of you that do not really keep up with the streaming stuff is pretty much like Twitch but uses YouTube. We think that since most people have a YouTube/Google account, it would be a lot easier to access and more people would log into the chat because they would not have to sign up for something new (Twitch). 

    If this is successful and we significantly bump our viewer numbers, we may still use Twitch for a while but I think the big push is going to YouTube Gaming since it looks like a much easier option for people to get to. 

    With that said, our next match will be for next Thursday 8/13 @ 11:30AM PDT. Will be doing some sleeve give away's, and will announce the players soon. Come have fun, hang out, chat, and the usual shenanigans and let your friends know!! Posting a poll on who wants to volunteer to play, feel free to sign up!

    All the Best,

    Sign Up to Play 8/13 @ 11:30 AM PDT

    • Sign Me Up!! (41.2%)
    • I like butter with extra butter.... (58.8%)
    • Total Votes: 17
  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Fri, Aug 7 2015 11:25 AM

    Really, no opinions after a day guys? That hurts.... 


  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Fri, Aug 7 2015 11:27 AM

    One day people will put down their Buttered Butter and watch the stream.



  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Aug 7 2015 12:29 PM

    Sounds good to me, hold the butter.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Aug 7 2015 6:01 PM

    Not to be too negative Sham, but so please excuse me for this indulgence.

    I, for one, would rather see you you and all of the WGT Mods reading the Forums to find good ideas that players have to take to the "higher ups" rather than spending that time playing a round of WGT on Twitch or YouTube.

    There are tons of good ideas out there that should get to them.  Many even make sense for WGT fiscally. 

    Again, in my opinion, you and the other WGT Mods are our voice to the "higher ups".

    All I would ask is that you use that voice rather than spending an hour or more of your time playing a round of golf on the site for ~20 of the active members of this site to watch.



  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2015 9:29 AM

    these twitch games are a lot of fun, i will put notice of next weeks game on my country club homepage

    thanks guy,


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2015 3:51 PM

    spending an hour or more of your time playing a round of golf on the site for ~20 of the active members of this site to watch.

    Thats a good point Mr Edward .  But it is not like they are Twitching every day , I see this once a week game as a good thing .  They ( WGT ) have mixed up the formats for game play and have played at different times of the day to get the community involved .  Many of the WGT team have played , ( Be nice to see Chad show up for one ) .  

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2015 4:21 PM

    The Twitch game play, or on what ever platform it happens to be on is a great innovation and WGT is giving us a great opportunity here to have fun, participate and get to knwo some of the WGT staff at the same time.   

    I have absolutely no doubt that they are working on our behalf behind the scenes, as it were and I know from personal experience that they do indeed read and respond to personal messages and forum posts.

    Please give these guys some credit and respect, as they really do care and frankly all of you whiners and complainers,  step up to the plate and see if you can do better!!!  Theis game is most certainly far from perfect, but I challenge anyone to find anything even close to this experience.

    Sure, I whine and complain, but most generally I do it in private to some of the mods and not in an open forum, as that only tends to incite and inflame, so how about everyone just mellowing the heck out for a while, work with wgt patiently and with respect and maybe, just maybe things will improve and sooner then you think.  Remember the old adage; You can catch more flies with honey then you can with vinegar!!!

    Either way, at the end of the day it just a game and meant to be fun, so good grief, lets just play and have fun!!!

    Phil  aka., Coyote

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sun, Aug 9 2015 8:12 AM

    Took a quick look at YouTube Gaming.  Maybe people will watch it, but I doubt that many here will use it at they do Twitch now.  Looks like it would cost in the neighborhood of something short of $500 dollars to set the computer up to even use it.  And that is if you have a computer even capable of running it.

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 11:14 AM


    One day people will put down their Buttered Butter and watch the stream.



    One day WGT will pay attention and fix the game. or reply to numerous post regarding faults.

    Start with fixing week 33 comps that no one can enter ????

    Then change the venues on the brackets (same for 4 months)