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Mon, Aug 10 2015 7:20 PM (7 replies)
  • robertwalters
    68 Posts
    Sun, Aug 9 2015 4:26 PM

    my dumb  caddy cost me a lot of shots with wrong putter distance, giving me wrong clubs,and wrong shot to take I never chip and it gives me chip most of the time

  • ScottHope
    10,636 Posts
    Sun, Aug 9 2015 11:20 PM

    How about...

    ...won't help with the putting thing though. : (

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 3:48 AM

    my dumb a;; caddy [...]

    How about using your knowledge of the pitiful "support" of the autocaddy?

    How about taking responsibility for your game, checking each detail of the shots and putts before execution, setting up a pre-shot routine and stick to it?

    Don't you, a seasoned player, a Legend, know that

    - frequently, too long irons are selected?

    - pitch is selected from about 35 yds in,

    - chip is selected from about 20 yds in,

    - a big putting scale comes up inevitably on the fringe?

    Take this knowledge into account and act smarter than the dumba** caddy!

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 8:11 AM


    How about taking responsibility for your game, checking each detail of the shots and putts before execution, setting up a pre-shot routine and stick to it?

    Don't you, a seasoned player, a Legend, know that

    Once again, a wonderfuly helpful post.  I for one agree with the OP 100%.  I have a very precise pre-shot routine and quite frequently find myself cursing the putter caddie.  One accidental zoom, misclick, or simply forgetting will make you take a horrible shot.

    Could we as the player avoid it?  Sure we could.  No one has ever debated othwerwise.  Is it too much to ask for an easier and useful setting that would completely alleviate the potential to screw yourself?  I don't think it's too much to ask for at all.

    If we can disable reflections/yardage markers/etc, it's a perfectly reasonable request to have a setting which disables the putter caddie.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 8:53 AM

      I have a very precise pre-shot routine and quite frequently find myself cursing the putter caddie.

    So,what you really mean is; not precise, whatsoever.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 9:42 AM

    Once again, a wonderfuly helpful post. 

    Thank you ;)

    I have seen a lot of complaints and wishes concerning this subject in three years in this Forum. There has even been a thread by Icon, "Caddie woes - We need your feedback" with 79 user replies.

    It may astound you that there was no further official reply in this thread, not even a "thank you" for the great contributions coming from ev1. The only "reply" was the option to switch off the autocaddie - dunno when this was.

    I don't expect any further change in this subject. Therefore, my way to help is to talk about reasonable options.

    Is it too much to ask for an easier and useful setting that would completely alleviate the potential to screw yourself?

    I didn't see any of this in the OP. It was a simple rant with the intention to neglect his own responsibility.

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 3:27 PM

    Frankly sir!

    Regarding Chip shots!  If you never try this shot, you are most certainly short changing yourself!!!  I find a most useful alternative when close to the the hole just off the green and I might add, that when executed properly will get ya very close and often in the hole!


  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 7:20 PM

    please fix multi-player games